☀︎︎ / "Sleepy"

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HC - Hank becomes very cuddly and affectionate when he's sleepy :-)

This is so boring and plain I'm sorry but I needed this in my life-

Also quick A/N, I'm very sorry about slow updates. This will probably continue. I have been so mentally drained and overworked so don't expect a lot of updates. I'm trying my best to get things done but ilysm and thank you for the support on this dumb book!! ♡︎


2B was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping his lukewarm coffee from earlier. It was late, about to hit midnight, and Doc was waiting for the dumbass trio to get home from their mission.

They had left really early this morning. 2B pinpointed the location of yet another A.A.H.W base the other day and Hank was ecstatic to go and kill some people. Doc had been working all day, filling up his journal with his experiments and communicating with his fellows. He hadn't the time to worry about the three who left a long time ago and still have not returned, yet now that he was taking a break that Sanford forced him to take by radioing him, he couldn't help but worry when he got no other calls.

Well, worry wasn't really the correct word. Those three have came back with bullet holes in them head to toe and they didn't even slightly complain. Unless it's Deimos. He will whine and whine about hurting and being sore yet hates when 2B forces him to sit down and get the bullets removed from his abdomen. He's a pain in the ass, that one.

Sanford wasn't ever a problem. He watched Doc do his work for so long he pretty much knows how to take care of himself. He's also not dumb enough to come home with twenty bullet wounds and let gashes from knives in places that could be fatal go untreated for days. Unlike someone he knew... the biggest dumbass of them all who is pretty much numb to any pain from all the shit he's been through.

Maybe Hank was an absolute idiot, but 2B was even more of an idiot for dating him. He basically signed a contract that took his soul away and said that no matter how beaten up Hank is when he comes home, no matter how much Doc wanted to strangle him for giving him even more work to do, he physically cannot. Maybe it had to do with the fact 2B loves him too much to yell at him and it gives him so much anxiety when he finds out Hank is injured that he can't even be mad. That's what lectures are for.

2B got up to make another cup of coffee. He didn't even know what cup he was on, maybe eleventh? Who even knows. He sat back down with the scorching hot mug and stared at the door with both annoyance and stress. The clock stroke midnight, which didn't help the pit in his stomach.

Where the hell were they?


Finally, at last, the door swung open. The sky was black and a draft was brought in and made Doc in his short sleeved shirt and shorts shiver. The headlights from the busted up van was shining through the windows and Sanford's voice was as clear as day.

"Hey Doc! Ya miss us?" Sanford said, his grin as wide as ever as he fixed his glasses. His tank top was soaked in blood. 2B panicked, thinking the blood was his, until he took it off and his stomach and chest was clear of any new wounds.

"Hell yeah I did! Where have you guys been?!" He shouted, jumping up from his seat and running over to interrogate them.

"Woah woah let us in at least!" Sanford chuckled. 2B huffed and watched as Dei dragged along a bag that was probably bigger than himself. "Hi Doc." He said casually, tugging the sack into their "living room" and running over to get leftovers from the fridge. Sanford laughed and followed Deimos soon after.

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