Chapter One: Every Mage Has Their Day

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Five minutes into her first exam, Emma Marsh knew she had failed.

As soon as the spell left her lips, the wick of the slim, white candle exploded before her very eyes. The starving flame engulfed the Grand Wizard's beloved oak desk. Meanwhile, mischievous embers jumped to nibble at the curtains, bookcases, and even the dusty wallpaper of the study.

In a matter of seconds, Emma's rebellious spell was hovering over her. The fire beamed at her with amber-colored eyes and a wide, toothless mouth. Thick, gray clouds stomped out of the monster's lungs, filling the air with its steamy breath.

Emma covered her mouth to cough when a loud clatter caught her attention.

"Well, don't just stand there," a deep, thundering voice roared.

Through the thickening smoke, Emma's brown eyes landed on the three professors sitting across the study. Professor Brim, the largest wizard of the three, snatched the sleeve of his silk robe from the teeth of a tiny ember while the other two mages sat on either side of him. Ostrom coughed lightly on his left as Atwood sat undisturbed on his right.

"Do something," Brim hissed, "or the whole building will become nothing more than useless ash!"

"R-Right!" Emma jumped at the order by taking up her wand. Though, the thin, wooden rod couldn't help but to quiver in the face of the bitter blaze causing the fire's smile to widen hungrily.

Emma fought hard to keep her feet planted firmly on the floor but when the beast let out a vicious growl, her legs quivered beneath her. The child's mind raced to remember a spell strong enough to defeat the flaming beast. Yet, when the fire took a mighty step toward her, she drew a blank.

Furious red flames nipped at the girl's fingertips, causing her wand to fall from her grasp. Bright, colorful sparks fizzled from the wooden seams as the pitiful stick hit the ground. The shiny display caused the flaming beast to drool at what would surely be a tasty snack.

Waving the stinging pain away, Emma noticed the fire growing bigger with every step it took. It's flaming gaze locked itself onto her precious wand and without a second thought, the young witch dived into the fiery pit to save it.

Her heroic act prompted Professor Atwood to stand from his seat. Without uttering a word, the old mage raised his jeweled staff in the air. The simple motion was enough to cause Emma's wicked spell to collapse. The flaming beast roared defiantly as it caved in on itself - becoming nothing more than a tiny flame of the candle.

Emma failed to notice her wicked spell becoming undone. Too busy saving her wand, the girl still had her eyes sealed shut as she began reciting the wrong charm. Her voice trailed off when she realized that the room had returned to its natural state.

Everything in the Grand Mage's study was safe from harm, including his beloved oak desk which now had lovely bouquet of peonies sitting atop of it. Even the smoke had faded, allowing Emma to see the professors clearly. When she caught sight of their irritable expressions, though, the child couldn't help but wish that the thick, gray clouds had stuck around.

Cheeks hot and nose blackened with soot, Emma faced the three mages and offered them an awkward smile. "So, uh...what's next?"

Professor Atwood didn't express any emotion as he turned to his stiff colleague. With a tiny murmur, the old mage was able to make the stern wizard gaze at him wildly. Emma's smile faded as their hushed whispers transformed into snappy bickering. Try as she might - the girl could catch any of the quick words flying between the professors before the three of them abruptly stood from their seats.

Professor Ostrom was the first to speak. He smiled at Emma despite wearing such an unpleasant expression mere moments ago. The thin, balding wizard cleared his throat before declaring, "The exam is over, Miss Marsh. My colleagues and I have made our decision and we will be taking our leave now. We bid you, a good day."

(OLD) The Apprentice and the Lost CityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz