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bold - Stiles

italic - Kayla


heyy Stiless


um.. Okay, so how did the drowning go?

he's alive and as annoying as ever, don't worry

haha, that's cool, wut are u doing?

just hanging with Isaac and Scott

why would Isaac hang out with you??

why not??

maybe because you were joking about drowning him

haha, you're right. Well, idk. ask him

yea sure



are u hot?

Stiles, what the hell?

OMG, I'm sorry, that waS iSAac!

well.. ok, hi Isaac!


u seem very happy

yea, I'm a happy person.. that's exactly how I'd describe myself

well, that's good to know.. so aren't you supposed to hate Stiles?


Didn't he drown u?

no..? :)

well I'm glad, where is he anyway?

with Lydia

Lydia who? Martin?


aha, that's.. nice

wait a sec.. are u jeleaous?


*virtually snorting* yea sure

shut the fuck up Isaac

mhm ;)

are u always this annoying?

born this way darlin

:) ok, well tell Stiles to call or text me later, if he's not busy or whatever

*sing-song voice* jeleaous..

bye Isaac

byeee stranger!!


There's Isaac on the side for those who don't know who he is, if there is anyone who doesn't know that cute face

midnight texts ▹ Stiles StilinskiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora