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/Magical Creature Language/

*Human Language that is not English*


July 31 1980 00:30

It was a dark but warm summers night as Lily Potter gave birth to her first-born child, A girl, with her mum's fiery-red hair and emerald-green eyes.

"She's beautiful, Lils." James Potter said as he looked lovingly down at his daughter.

"Do you have a name for her?" The nurse asked quietly

"Yes," Lily replied from her place on the bed "Hailey Lily Potter."

July 31 1980 02:30

It was exactly two hours after Hailey's grand entrance when her sibling was born, Another daughter, with her dad's ebony locks and chestnut eyes.

"She's gorgeous, Jamie." Lily whispered as she looked at the child in her arms "She looks just like you!"

"Her name?" The nurse whispered as to not wake the child sleeping in her mother's arms.

"Heather Alice Potter." James said, eye never leaving the picture in the hospital bed.

July 31 1980 09:00

It was six and a half hours after Heather's birth when all Lily, James and all the staff just wanted to sleep, the final Potter triplet arrived, A son, with his dad's ebony hair and his mum's emerald eyes.

"Finally!" Lily screamed in triumph before she drifted of to sleep

Before the others could join her though they had to have a name for the black-haired, emerald-eyed boy.

"His name?" The nurse asked sleepily

"Harry James Potter" James replied before following his wife into pleasant unconsciousness.

July 31 1981 06:00

It was a bright sunny morning and the entire population of Potter Manor were asleep, until The Triplets got up. The oldest was a tall, redheaded female with green eyes, her sister was a slightly-shorter-but-still-tall black-haired female with brown eyes and black, circular glasses, her younger brother was a slightly-shorter-but-still-quite-tall black-haired male with green eyes and black, circular glasses. It was their birthday and they would let everyone know it. Standing up the trio ran from their room and towards their parents room, yelling all the way to wake up the portraits.

"Birt'day! Birt'day! Birt'day!" They yelled, their parents leapt out of bed and ran into the hall, summoning a camera as they went, The Triplets had been walking for about a week but this was their first time running, and 'birthday' was only their second word, Hailey saying 'Mummy' or 'Moony' (Baby-Talk making it a weird jumble of the two sounding like 'Moomey') two weeks earlier (Lily and Remus didn't speak for a week afterwards), Heather said 'Dada' a few days later and Harry said 'Minnie' before the week was up.

Once their parents were properly awake the trio went to wake up their godparents, Hailey to , Filius (Flitwick) and Pomona (Sprout), Heather to Sirius (Black), Severus (Snape) and Alice (Longbottom) (With Alice's husband, Frank, and their son Neville, who will be sharing their birthday party, He is a day older although acts years younger, and is the triplets godbrother as Lily and James are his godparents), Harry to Remus (Lupin) and Minerva (McGonagall).

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