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The next day Jimin carried on as normal, he called the client from the food company who said he would come over now and take Jimin to coffee, so when Jungkook turned up he saw a laughing Jimin with his client waiting outside the lift doors when he stepped out.
The client already knew Jungkook so spoke to him.
"You have a little jewel here you should make sure you keep him, we are just going for coffee you want to come."
Yes I do thought Jungkook so you keep your hands off him but before he could say anything Jimin spoke up.
"Oh Jungkook has another appointment we shouldn't keep him." With that he ushered the man into the lift and the doors closed.
Jungkook was fuming something Jin could see as he stormed past so he followed him to the office.
"What's got your knickers in a twist?"
"Did you see! He just dismissed me!!"
"He just said your busy, aren't you ?"
"I decide if I'm busy or not and last night he just got up and left!"
"Oh now the truths coming out, so why did he leave."
"Just because I called him a colleague in front of Jisoo and her date!"
"So in front of one of your many hook up  dates you introduced Jimin' your date' for the night as just a colleague? And you wonder why he's dismissing you, if Joonie treated me that way I'd punch him!"
"But, he knew I don't commit he said he wants more but we can carry on as colleagues while he finds someone else."
"And your problem is?"
"I like him....a lot,"
"You mean you want to have your cake and eat it, the best of both worlds, your selfish Jungkook, grow up." And with that his friend left the room.
Jungkook threw himself into his seat, to think when Jimin first got here he was worried about him tried to help him and this was how he was repaid. Jin was wrong wasn't he? He buzzed Namjoon to come in.
"Yes Kook?"
"I want to ask you ,if you knew someone who didn't agree with full time relationships and had shall we say told someone they were interested in this before they hooked up and that person changed their mind along the way then it's their fault right?"
"Did this person treat the other person as an equal during their hook ups?
"What do you mean?"
"Did that person treat the other as a girl/boyfriend, go out as a couple amongst friends?"
"Er well no,after all that person was a passing faze so it wouldn't matter right?"
"Jungkook I used to think you were sensible, Imagine if you suddenly found someone you really liked, that made you happy when you were around them, how would you feel if that person blanked you in company or said you were just a friend? Jesus your an adult stop being scared to commit, your like a hoe, don't waste your life chasing fleeting moments learn to give your all, imagine how hurt others must feel when you tell them they are going to mean nothing to you!" Namjoon walked out as Jungkook  muttered ," I didn't say it was me!"
His day got worse , Jimin was just polite but barely speaking to him but he'd catch him laughing with others, then when he asked Suga and Hobi to come in to discuss a job they were jointly doing he stopped the conversation and asked," guys do you think I'm selfish in relationships?" They looked at each other then started.
"Your too selfish,"
"Your scared to commit,"
"What relationships name one that wasn't some cheap hoe you dropped when it suited you."
"Don't you give them all an ultimatum so they don't get close?"
"Your longest ' relationship ' was four dates!"
"Okay, okay I got it, am I really that bad?"
"Yes!" They both replied giving each other a high five as they said it.
"Well what about you two, you haven't let me meet anyone you've dated!"
"Is he stupid,"
"I always said he was a dumbass but now he's proved it!"
"Suga and I have been a couple for nearly a year everyone else knows even Jimin and he's fairly new!"
Jungkook stared in shock at the two, was he so blind to relationships he hadn't seen the one happening in front of him.
"Really! I know about Jin and Namjoon but you two? Don't tell me Tae is in a relationship too!"
"Nah , he's the same manwhore he's always been and Jimin..., he's the sort to fall heavily once he finds the right person."
It hit Jungkook hard that he wanted to be that person, why was he so stupid he'd been so scared to commit that he'd lost the one person he really wanted.
He finished the meeting deciding to go home, he didn't feel like being around anyone right now.
He thought about what the others had said, where he thought he was being cool and sensible in relationships he now could see the truth, he'll he'd been ignored by Jimin for just one day and he was fuming. He thought about why he was like that and realised it was probably because of his parents, they had been so good together when he was younger then he remembered a change, his mother shouting at his father, them having separate rooms, his dad telling him his mother was no good, then her leaving he stayed with his dad. His mum remarried but he hadn't seen her for years, taking his fathers side, believing his mother had betrayed his father as his father never remarried.
He picked up his phone calling his father,
"hey dad"
"Son how are you?"
"Ok,I suppose."
"What's up son?"
"I don't know dad, I thought I was being cool, not committing myself to relationships , I suppose I didn't want to get hurt like you did, I didn't want someone to leave me like mum left us, now someone I like wants more, I don't know if I can do it, but I know I'm being selfish by not doing it, you understand don't you?"
A sigh came from the other end then," Jungkook I never realised this had effected you like this."
"Well dad mum going off and remarrying someone else,the arguments you had because she cheated on you, you've never remarried , I don't want to be hurt like you were."
"Jungkook I need to tell you something I should have done years ago but was too afraid to,"
"Dad you know you can tell me anything."
"Please forgive me son."
"Your mother and I didn't split up because she cheated on me...., I cheated on her, numerous times, it was something that my work colleagues did they used to mock me for being faithful to one woman...., so I cheated..., she found out the first time but forgave me, I promised never to do it again but I did, she cried we grew apart and I told her to leave, that she was stopping my life, she was going to take you with her but I didn't let her told her I'd ruin her if she tried so she left. My life went downhill, I realised how stupid I was, how much I really loved her, the colleagues I tried to copy, all divorced lost their families. I contacted her saying I was sorry and I wanted her back but she had remarried, she admitted that it was love born of friendship but she wasn't prepared to lose her happiness again. I begged her even said she could see you but she said I wasn't being fair to you or her, that she had begged me not to make her go but I hadn't cared, that I had made you hate her through my selfishness and she was right. She sent birthday and Christmas cards to you every year but I've never given them to you, I lost the love of my life because I treated her like you are treating people.., don't be afraid to live son be afraid of never having that special someone."
Jungkook was shocked, all this time.....
"Do you know where....., mum is?"
"She's in Busan, she's a widow now but I send pictures of you to her"
"Dad....., I'm ,I don't know what to say,"
"I understand son, I don't blame you if you hate me but I just didn't want to lose you too."
"Dad...., I forgive you but please, if you have an address or a contact number can I have it?"
"Yes son, I'll text the number, it's time you contacted her......, remember, she never did anything wrong, take care son,"
His father clicked off, a few seconds later and a number popped up, he stared at it, his palms sweaty but then.
Ring, ring, ring....." Hello?"
" h-hello....., mum it's Jungkook!"
"My baby!!"
I just like that the pair were crying and laughing together down the phone.

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