Too good to be true

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It had taken three days to do the food shoot and Jimin enjoyed the job and the food, it was so tasty and so much, he felt fuller than he had in a long time.
On the last day the clients actually thanked Jimin for the way the shoot had gone and that they would request him again.
When he returned to his office a massive hamper was in there. Looking inside Jimins mouth watered at the treats he would have.
Jungkook stopped at his door," Hey Jimin, the client expressed their gratitude at the shoot, oh I see you got their hamper,"
"Yes they are so generous, should I share it with everyone?"
"Er,no, no need, the others are used to it."
Jimin nodded just staring at the hamper until," so how you getting it home?"
Jimins face fell, he picked it up, just, there was no way he could carry it home.
"Look it's nearly time to go, I'm leaving now let me take you home."
"No it's ok."
"Jimin don't be silly, now get your things and open the door."
Jimin was about to protest when Jungkook easily swung the hamper up, so he rushed to open the door and summon the lift. Although Jungkook knew Jimins address he pretended he didn't asking for directions.
Jimin was nervous , now Jungkook would know he lied about living near.
"So this must be quite a walk, it's quick in the car though."
"Ah , here we are,right ?"
"Erm yes thanks for the lift ," Jiminee shot out the car about to get the hamper from the boot but Jungkook was quicker.
"Lead the way."
Opening the door Jimin let the other in looking around quickly to make sure it was tidy.
Placing the hamper down Jungkook looked around, it was small and tidy , but Jungkook was concerned about the area and the front door led straight into the street.
Jimin came up with a glass of water, excuse me a minute while I put my stuff away and get the clothes you loaned me.
He went off to what Jungkook presumed was a bedroom leaving Jungkook to scout out the kitchen quickly, finding as suspected very little food.
Hearing Jimin coming back he rushed back to the seating area.
"Here they are clean , thank you."
"Oh er no you keep them, I'm funny about wearing clothes others have put on."
For some reason Jimin took this the wrong way, he felt dirty.
"I know this place isn't much but I keep it and myself clean,if you didn't want someone like me wearing your clothes you should have said. I apologise and will buy you more." He said dejectedly.
"Jimin, no it's not like that at all," Jungkook said grabbing the small boy by the shoulders and staring down at him.
"I-it's not?"
"No of course not, if you want the truth, I want you to have them."
"Because Park Jimin I liked how cute you looked in my clothes."
Jungkook gazed down at Jimins lips which were slightly open in amazement ," yes,cute," he said voice deeper as he slowly pulled Jimin to him, settling his lips gently on the others before inserting his tongue when Jimin gasped prolonging the kiss into something deeper and more intense.
Jimin shyly joined in, this was a first for him, he liked the pleasurable feelings going through him but then became aware that little Jimin was on the rise. He pulled back gasping, Jungkook knew what the problem was he had felt it, he was equally affected.
"You should go your probably busy and you came here," Jimin rambled facing away from the other.
A pair of hands came around his waist and a chin in his shoulder," Jimin are you embaressed?"
"T-that was my first kiss and then........"
"And then you got a boner, it's natural Jimin," he leaned in close, "see you did the same to me," he said gripping the boys hips and pulling him back against the large bulge in his own trousers.
Jimin let out a little moan then covered his mouth embaressed.
Jungkook laughed," ah Jimin don't be embaressed, one day I'm going to make you moan so loud.....,but for now I'll leave you to put your food away, bye baby," he said pecking the small boys neck then leaving," lock this door behind me," he said sternly, Jimin dazedly doing just as he was told .
He unpacked the food delighted by just how much there was. Once finished he made himself a hot drink and sat down and thought about Jungkooks kiss,then remembering that Jungkook had a girlfriend he shouldn't have done it......but it was so very enjoyable he thought.
Walking to work the next day he was surprised when ten minutes after starting a car pulled up next to him," Jimin hop in," it was Jungkook , well they were going to the same place he thought. Climbing in he clipped his seatbelt and sat quietly.
"You ok Jimin, your quiet."
"I'm fine, I just want to apologise f-for last night the kiss."
"Why do you want to apologise?I'm the one who kissed you."
"But I know you have a girlfriend and I should have stopped you."
"If your talking about that girl from the other day I assure you she is not my girlfriend ."
"She's not?" Jimin felt relief.
Jungkook pulled into the side of the road, switching off the car he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to Jimin." No ,she isn't , we had hook ups but that was all , I made sure she knew at the beginning that there were no strings,but now, I've finished with her."
"D-do you hook up with a lot of people?"
"I'm no saint, I get urges."
"Don't worry Jimin when we get together I won't cheat on you."
"Your presuming a lot, I never said we would get together!"
"But Jimin you want this," leaning in catching the other unawares he kissed the others lips passionately," don't you?"
Jimin certainly did but being the virgin he was he didn't know what to say. Jungkook pulled back looking at the small boy. "I know you haven't done this before but I can tell your just as turned on as I am."
"Is it that obvious that I'm a virgin," Jimin said embaressed.
"Your an adorable virgin, if you knew what I wanted to do to you right now you would be even redder!"
Jungkook turned away and started the car and in no time at all they were in work .
Jimin went straight to his office mulling over the things that had gone on.
Then shaking off the insecurities he got down to his work .
He had a new campaign, it was for children toys and he was looking forward to it.
He was just about to go in to Tae's office to ask some advice when he heard Tae talking to Jungkook,"so did he buy it, I don't like seeing him starve himself, it was a good idea of yours to swap."
"What?" Thought Jimin all of a sudden feeling like someone had stabbed him.
"You should see his place, it's not in a good area no real security, cupboards were nearly empty."
"So how else you going to help him?"
"Well you know I told you the other night about his circumstances, what about if I get that lawyer to pretend Jimin overpaid him and give him money which he will then give to Jimin? From the file I have on him he hasn't had much luck in life"
"As long as Jimin doesn't find out, he would be mortified."
"I know I don't want to hurt him just help him."
"DON'T YOU DARE PITY ME!!" an angry voice from the doorway said," so you have a file on me ? Was it fun reading? Does it make you feel good to be the poor boys benefactor, and you....I thought we were friends, I guess I was wrong to let my guard down!! Jimin stormed from the room, the other two following but Jimin turned around," don't come near me I'm so angry right now, I thought my work had earned me the hamper but it was all a game for you two, why can't I be accepted for my work not for my circumstances........, I just wanted to work and have friends," he broke down in a whisper, closing his office door and pulling the blinds down to stop inquisitive eyes.
"Shit," Tae said," what do we do?"
"Fuck, this has all gone wrong , I fucked up." Jungkook stared at the closed off office,shit how could he fix this.

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