He rolled off of me, " Rude." he teased. 

 Theo and Max had already left the room. Silas wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his body. I let myself relax against his warm body. I don't think I ever really realized how much my body yearned to be close to him.

 There was this weird pull and I think it's safe to say he feels it too. He's always said there was just something comforting about me. Which now that I think about it is what a lot of people say. I was so used to comforting others rather than being comforted. But I'm trying to work on that, because it's not completely their fault.

 Whenever someone tries to comfort me I always turn it around and try and comfort them. I think it's because part of me just feels uncomfortable with people trying to make me feel better, it kind of makes me feel like a responsibility. 

 " Babe?" Silas gently shook my shoulder.

 " Sorry, what?" I asked, focusing my attention back on him. 

 " I told you to get dressed." he said, playfully pinching my side. 

 " No, why? I'm comfy." I whined.

 " Trust me and get dressed, don't dress too warm though, it's hot out. And make sure you bring a swim suit." I started at him skeptically before giving in and getting up to get dressed. 

 ( Hair&outfit)

 ( Hair&outfit)

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 I wore black jeans and a thin black top

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 I wore black jeans and a thin black top. I left my hair down in its natural waves. I had a swim suit in my bag. 

 Silas and I walked to his car and we took off. He refused to tell me where we were going, which was incredibly annoying.

 I fell asleep about ten minutes into the drive.

 I woke up when there was a hand gently moving up and down on my leg.

 " Mmmm" I murmured.

 " Wake up, we're here." I heard Silas say as my eyes slowly blinked open. 

 " I cannot believe you fell asleep." Silas laughed at me.

 " Sorry." I replied sheepishly. He took my hand and led me out of the car.

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