Chapter eighteen

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 Melina's pov-

  One week later~

 I kissed them both......... I-kissed-them-both. WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?! 

 Why, why, why, why, why, WHYYYYYY?!!!

 Why did I do that, why did I think that was okay? 

 What if they talk to each other about it? What if they hate me? Or think I'm playing them? 

 Technically they're the ones that kissed me but I kissed back. I think it's painfully clear now that they both have a thing for me. But the worst part is, I think I have a thing for both of them. 

 Maybe I could just ignore this until it goes away, yeah that sounds good to me. 

 " You kissed Maddox AND Silas?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Max practically shouted as he burst into my room. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. 

 " Will you shut the fuck up?!" I hissed at him, not wanting everyone in the house to know about it.

 " Spill, now." he said, sitting down on my bed, dragging me down with him. 

 " It was nothing." I said, brushing it off. 

 " Bull shit." Theo said walking in with a bowl of popcorn in his hands. He sat down on the other side of me and Max reached over and took a hand full of pop corn.

 " Who the fuck even told you?" I asked, already knowing the answer and praying to god they didn't spill to Maddox and Silas. 

 " Maddox told me he kissed you." Max said, " And Silas told me he kissed you and then I went to tell Max what Silas had told me only to find out about Maddox." Theo explained, crunching on popcorn. 

 " Oh god." I groaned, flopping backwards.

 " Dude, what the fuck?" Max asked, growing impatient. 

 " I don't know. They kissed me and I kind of just went with it." I said.

 " Well do you like either of them?" Theo asked.

 " I like both of them." I groaned, burying my face into a pillow and letting out a grunt of annoyance. 

 " Both of them?" Max asked confused.

 " Do they know that you kissed both of them?" Theo asked.

 " Do they know about your feelings?" Theo and Max asked in-sync.

 " Yes, both of them. No, they don't know. And I don't know, maybe, I think at this point it's obvious." I said, answering all of their questions, my face still in the pillow.

 " How is this even going to work? I mean, you can't be with both of them." Max asked.

 " Yes she can." Theo argued.

 " What?! No, she can't!" Max argued back.

 " Can too." Theo argued childishly.

 " Can not." Max argued back, matching Theo's tone.

 They went back and forth for a few minutes before I interrupted. 

 " Cut it out." I snapped, they both stopped and looked at me.

 " You have to tell them before they find out on their own. If they find out from anyone but you it'll seem shady." Max said, standing up, Theo quickly following behind. 

 " Hey guys." Silas said, flopping down on top of me.

 I grunted into the pillow,  " You're crushing me." I cried out.

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