She looks at him, her eyes welled up with tears. She struggles to get out of his hold, she keeps hitting on his chest "Leave me.. let me go.. I'm not going to sign your stupid papers.. leave me.. I don't want to have you even as my friend.. forget it.. forget that you were even my childhood bestie.."

He holds her waist tightly to stop her from moving and struggling, the tears that were welled up in her eyes rolls down her cheeks. His heart aches seeing her tears, he wanted to console her and stop her from crying.

He lifts his hand to wipe her tears, she pushes his hand away "I don't need you to wipe my tears.. then you will put that also in your conditions saying I can't even cry my heart out.. so please leave me.. and seriously..

You think I will have a relationship with anyone else while I'm married to you.. that's what you think of me hunn.. then why are you even marrying me.. what do you even know about me to make such a condition haan.. I'm not someone who would cheat just because you or I don't share the relationship.. no matter what kind relationship it is.. according to me both should be loyal..

also you think I will use your name or your dad's name to get my business going.. I never tried to use anybody's name.. not when I started first.. nor will I use anybody's name in the future.. whatever it is I like it only to be built on my strength.. even if it is on a really small scale also I don't mind.. using someone's name and making my business big has never been my thing and will never happen in the future also..

But you don't need to worry.. you don't need to care.. I will better go and say no to this marriage.. don't worry this time I won't put you through the work.. I myself will reject this proposal.. nobody will know what happened here.. or about these papers.. let me go".

Karthik again tries to wipe her tears that kept flowing from her eyes as she kept talking, but she keeps pushing his hand off "Stop it.. leave me..". He hold her hand behind her and wipes her tears "I'm sorry Aadhu.. please don't cry na fairy princess.. you know na I can't see you crying.. if you cry I will also start crying.. you know na.. that's how it's always been".

She looks at him confused, his heart keeps pricking seeing her tears, he just wanted them to stop "I didn't realise these conditions would have such an effect on you.. you don't have to sign anything Aadhu.. I will even tear them off.. I don't want to see you crying that's all.. I'm sorry"

She keeps looking at him wondering why was he getting so affected by her tears. According to her, neither did he know her nor did he remember her but then why this sudden concern for her feelings when he didn't consider it while making those papers or stating those conditions to her.

He cups her cheeks looking into her eyes "I'm sorry Aadhu.. please stop crying.. these.. these tears in your eyes are pricking me.. just don't cry please..". He holds her hand and takes her back to the table, she just keeps looking at him, wondering what is happening.

He makes her sit down and takes the papers in his hands, he was about to tear them off but she takes hold of the papers. He looks at her "Aadhu give it to me.. anything that makes you cry is not worth it.. give it to me".

She looks at him wiping her tears "I don't know why you are doing this Karthik.. nor do I remember how we were before.. though you said you don't remember anything.. I feel like you remember our past.. why did you have to lie about it.. I don't know..

also I don't know what I did that you have brought upon these conditions.. but if we need be in a peaceful marriage.. even as housemates you need to have trust on me.. though you didn't need to put these conditions before me as I would not do any of those..

I will sign them.. as you might flip anytime.. now you say you can't see me cry after sometime you will say that I'm filled with attitude.. one minute you care for me.. next you behave as if I'm a person you hate the most.. so let's put a full and final end to this.. I'll sign this.. but none of our family nor friends get to know about this.."

She signs the papers and hands it over to him, she takes her bag and leaves from the place. He looks at the papers that she had signed, what were you even thinking Karthik while making these conditions.. were you even thinking.. how much it hurt her.. that she kept pouring her pearl like tears..

Such an idiot you are Karthik.. how could you make her cry like that.. but.. but what about the hearts she broke.. she broke my heart also.. if that's the case she wouldn't have cried like that.. her eyes reflected hurt.. that wouldn't have been the case.. if what I thought was true..

what is happening.. what was that then.. I heard everything with my own ears.. no how can this be true.. godd all this so confusing.. not just for her even for me all this is confusing.. also I should stay away from her.. one day I meet her alone.. she has made me go crazy with emotions.. if I again meet her the emotions that I have put aside for her might just resurface..

Tied by Destiny (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now