Halloween | 17

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Ik this is a little late but here is a little Halloween special! And I'm sorry for not continuing :((( I feel so baddd I just don't have any ideas...

" guys let's just all go as sea monsters! I mean it will be super easy to pull off " Aurora Admitted honestly as she was folding paper with Giulia to make a little paper bird witch both of them have enjoyed doing ever sense Giulia's transformation.

" that's so original though" Luca whined while Alberto played with his hair, practically dazed and thinking about something else.

" how about the three Mouseketeers! " Giulia said and Luca shook his head no.

" Giulia" he sighed.

" first... we're 18... second there are 4 of us... not 3... " he finished and Aurora chuckled a lil.

" oh " Giulia sighed.

" let's just eat " Alberto finally said but Luca sighed.

" ' let's just eat' my ass " Luca said getting up and going to his room.

" Oop-" Giulia said.

" goodnightttt " Aurora sang.

the years have passed { Alberto x Luca }Where stories live. Discover now