' your not jealous are you ? '|2

420 10 8

Luca was swimming around the trenches not to far from his families hut , the faint sound of the waves crashing and the wales singing their songs.

Alberto had sent him to go find some lost people treasure as Alberto himself got some things picked up around his home.

Luca was just grabbing a glass he found on the bottom of the area he was in , he heard a splash then text thing he knew someone was tackling him .

" Luca ! Look what I found ! " Alberto said waving some sort of picture .

" come on Luca we'll be late ! " Alberto said grabbing his hand and dining to the surface .

" come on Luca ! Massimo is waiting for us ! " Alberto said shaking Luca , the shorter boy groaning then looking up at the messy haired boy that was now getting up to get not pajama clothing on .

Luca sighed , bummed , that his dream wasn't true . But he was also confused . . . Why was the other person Alberto and not Leo ?

" Luca come on ! Papa's waiting , better go get that boyfriend of yours if you wanna take him to catch fish " Giulia said with a toothbrush in her mouth and an over sized shirt on .

Luca sat up tired , rubbing his eyes then looking out the window , debating whether he should wake Leo up .

" he's fine by himself " Luca said smugly as he got up and went downstairs for breakfast .


Leo woke up about 30 minutes after Luca and Alberto went to catch fish , Massimo was sick so it was just Luca and Alberto . But Leo didn't know that , the black haired boy rolled over in search for warmth , thinking his boyfriend came to his senses and re-joined him .

When Leo didn't find his cuddle buddy he bolted up in search for his boyfriend but the first thing he saw was a boat and two people hoisting something heavy up .

When one of the supposedly men's hands slipped and fell into the water . The other one laughed . Leo thought that would be ditch move until the boy that was laughing finished pulling the fish net up , which was full of fish , and jumped into the water with the other boy . Both of them play fighting . That's when Leo noticed that They were brighter colors . . . Leo remembered the colors Luca turned when he touched water . . . But who's the other one- unless it's Alberto !

" that slimy little- " Leo said with gritted teeth , clenching his fists as he stood up , going through the house and out the front door . He sat down at the front of the door waiting for his boyfriend , ready to take all his anger out on Alberto .


" that's one good catch we got today " Luca said , brushing the sweat off his four head.

" forgot how warm it gets here " Luca said and Alberto laughed as the curly haired boy took them and the huge pile of fish to the dock .

" ya , you'd be surprised by how cold it gets surfing the winter " Alberto laughs again and this time so does Luca .

They get to the dock and Giulia is already waiting there with her empty trailer attached to her bike . Ready for the daily load .

" load her up boys " Giulia said in a goofy voice . Luca and Alberto chuckled and helped Giulia load her trailer with fish .


They were done loading the trailer and went to go get a snack before doing some work . They started making  their way back to the house when Luca stopped , looking at the door , Alberto thought . While Alberto was laughing about what he did with the sea weed he found .

" you good ? " Alberto asked , turning to Luca , Confused .

" nothing's wrong Alberto " Luca said confidently and put two thumbs up , why don't you go get some ice cream for us so we can catch up a little ? " Luca offered and Alberto nodded , not noticing Leo as he went to the ice cream shop .

" where were you ? " Leo asked like how Luca's mom , Daniela , use to ask him when he was younger .

" me and Alberto went fishing , y'know- for fish . . . That we sell . . . " Luca said folding with his fingers as Leo squinted his eyes .

The black haired boy got up and walked back inside without a word , visibly jealous .


Word count - 711

the years have passed { Alberto x Luca }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora