423 🩺 Last Day Of Freedom

Start from the beginning

Yunho suddenly exhaled in amusement. 'You did,' he breathed, smiling. 'You can't laugh at me now.'

His eyes flew open widely. 'When do I laugh at you?!' he gasped, reaching his hands up between them and letting his palms rest on his chest.

'When I zone out, your eyes twinkle and you giggle at me,' Yunho said, though his voice was so fond that he sounded happy.

And so after a few moments melting under that smile, Mingi's lips pulled up slightly. 'I guess we're equal now?'

'Not nearly,' he replied, taking a deep breath and rubbing his back gently for a moment, before standing back. 'I have far more tallys than you do,' he said, smiling.

And how was he not supposed to melt under his playful words?

Blushing, he took the brunette by the wrist and led him into the kitchen, sitting him down at the breakfast bar.

'Okay, so I did some experimenting this morning,' he said, standing in front of him as the brunette stared up at him curiously.

'What do you mean?' Yunho asked, glancing around a little before his eyes fell back upon his.

He smiled. 'Close your eyes,' he said gently, greatly amused by the confused look he was given, before those dark lashes closed, leaving his irises to disappear behind his eyelids...

'Don't open until I tell you to,' he said, walking to the fridge and pulling out a small plate. Bringing it back to him, he gently placed it down on the countertop with a tap and spun Yunho's seat around until he was facing it.

'Jesus-' Yunho swore, surprised by the sudden motion. He leant into Mingi's side as he momentarily spooked, and the contact was welcomed. 'Can I open now?'

Putting a hand on his back, Mingi nodded, before he realised his eyes were closed, and he couldn't see... 'Mhm~.'

Two moments passed before Yunho suddenly laughed. 'Did you make these?'

'I tried,' he laughed, staring at the sad creation before them.

All morning, he had been attempting to make little shapes out of melted chocolate just for the sake of it, but to say it had been a fail, would have been a grand understatement.

'Min... I know I should say they're beautiful, but...'

Mingi laughed as Yunho gave him a half grimaced look, glancing between the plate and him. 'It's an eyesore, I know.'

'What was this supposed to be?'

'Well that one was supposed to be a star, and this one was supposed to be a tree...'

Yunho reached out and turned the plate a little, rotating it a little, before he nodded, leaning back just that little but until his arm brushed against his side. 'You meant a tumbleweed and a sun, right?'

Mingi laughed, gently smacking his shoulder as his cheeks blushed. 'Oh shush.' Reaching out, he picked the corner of a chocolate until it popped up off of the cold plate, and picking it up, he spun Yunho to face him and held it up to his lips. 'Star or tumbleweed, they taste the same,' he said, watching contently as Yunho smirked, before giving in and catching the chocolate between his teeth.

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