Chapter Five

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School was boring as always. Johnny is in every single class as me, but we didn't talk in any of them other than lunch. School was over though, that's all that's important.

Julius and I met everyone in the parking lot and we sat and talked to wait on the traffic to leave the parking lot faster. I watched Johnny and his friends walk by. He turned and smirked at me and went over to the bikes where the rest of his friends were.

"What was that about?" Tanner asked.

"I don't even wanna know." I replied back. Tanner was mad and has been mad at Johnny since the whole situation last year. If Tanner even knew that Johnny talked to me last night at the beach, called my house, or talked to me at school, he would be pissed. I can't tell him that I'm meeting Johnny at the beach tonight or he's gonna wanna go, just so he can prove whatever point he thinks he needs to prove.

"So is everybody coming over to my house tonight for game night." Kenzie asked. Game night was a thing we do on Monday nights. We go to Kenzie's and play a board game, a drinking game, a card game, or whatever we wanted to do on a Monday night.

"Umm I don't think I can." I replied back.

"What? You haven't missed a game night in two years, you even show up when you're sick. Why can't you go?" Timmy asked me staring at me. Tanner looked over at me and I didn't even know what excuse to make.

"Katie and I have a project we have to work on for our first hour class. We talked about it earlier. We love you guys, but trying to do our homework around you guys is gonna be hard." Julius said.

"When did you two start doing homework?" Ryland asked coming out of nowhere.

"I was gonna ask the same thing." Tanner replied back.

"When I decided my future might be important one of these days and I need to find something to do with my life." Julius replied back.

"Well, you guys have fun then. We'll be at Kenzie's if you guys get done in time." Tanner said. We all told each other bye and Julius and Ryland got into my car. Tanner sped off first completely pissed off.

"Why is he so pissed. Do you think he saw you and him talking or something?" Julius asked.

"I don't know. He's been acting like that lately." I replied.

"Are you going to talk to him tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to meet him at the beach at 7:45. What are you gonna do while I'm there, because no one can know where I'm supposed to be and you're supposed to be with me?"

"I'll just chill at your house. You guys have an Atari and an endless selection of movies in your basement. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay for a few hours."

"Okay, sounds good to me." I pulled into my driveway and dropped Julius and Ryland off. Johnny pulled up to his house as I was pulling out of the driveway. I watched Ryland go running over there and Julius followed him. I pulled out of the driveway and drove to my grandpas house. I got out of my car and walked into his house and around to his back yard.

"Katie bug, I'm so happy to see you." My grandpa said giving me a big hug. I did some odd jobs around my grandpas house like cleaning his pool and waxing some of his cars. He went off to fix a faucet or something in an apartment building and he came back around 7:30.

"You're good to go sweetheart. Go have a little bit of fun with the daylight you have left." I hugged grandpa bye and hopped in my car and drove my ten minute drive to the beach. I pulled up in a parking spot and saw Johnny pull up on his bike next to me. I shut my car off and got out and we met at the front of my car.

"Let's go to our spot to talk." Johnny said smiling. We walked to the spot in almost complete silence and we sat down side by side on the top of the rock.

"So I heard I'm just some cheating Cobra Kai dick now, but I honestly don't care. I'm just worried about what I did to you."

"Johnny you know what you did. Ali moves to town and it's like I don't matter. You went out and joined some karate class because you wanted to impress Ali. Don't even act like we weren't a thing and nobody knew we were a thing. You left and you tried to get with her. You left the friend group and got into another one. You're the one who told a bunch of lies about us. Not the other way around."

"Katie we never made it exclusive because you never wanted to. Ali and I would never work out anyways, especially with that new kid Daniel around here. You act like I haven't been trying to get ahold of you to talk to you for three months."

"Johnny, it doesn't matter. You left me for her. You left us for them."

"Look Katie, I miss you. I really do. I'm sorry about what happened between us after Ali showed up. But I also can't just walk around and date the competition's granddaughter. Your grand father, even though you guys aren't biologically related, is hard competition. I can't just very well walk into karate and be like "here, I'm dating and I'm in love with Miyagi's granddaughter." I can't just do that Katie."

"If you're here to try and work things out again, how is it ever gonna work, especially when you just said something like that?"

"Katie just please trust me and give me a second chance. I promise I'll never hurt you again and if I do, you can hurt me right back. I would never intentionally hurt you. I just want you to know that."

"Okay, I'm not saying we can start dating right away or whatever you're trying to convince me to do. But, we can try again if you want to, because honestly I miss you too."

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