Chapter Four

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I got up to start the day. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to. I put a basic Katie outfit on which consisted of a pair of jeans, a short sleeve Van Halen shirt that Johnny had gotten me last year, and a pair of vans. I put a little makeup on and grabbed my empty backpack and my car keys.

I ran down stairs and found Ryland eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table. I grabbed a cup of water and took my ADHD medicine. As a female in the 80's, it was hard to get diagnosed with ADHD, but after some convincing to the doctors from my mom, I ended up with the medicine.

"Ryland, get your shit, let's go to school." He finished his last bite of cereal and put his bowl in the sink before he walked upstairs to his room. I walked to the fridge a saw a note taped to it
"Katie, we already got Ryland up and got him some breakfast. Johnny called last night and left a message on the answering machine, so listen to that. Ryland can go to your grandpas with you today and help you with whatever. Have a good day sweetheart.
Ryland came back downstairs and pushed the button on the answering machine. The first message was from my grandpa talking about how glad he was to see us today after school. Then the second one came up and it was a voice too familiar. It started with a deep sigh and went into
"Katie, I'm sorry for calling so late. I just wanted to talk to you about some stuff. Please talk to me tomorrow at or after school. Bye."

Ryland looked at me wide eyed.

"I thought you said he was some Cobra Kai dick? That seemed pretty nice of him to say to me." Ryland smiled. I looked at him and motioned him out the door to my car. I got in my car and drove to pick up Julius. Julius got in my car and we pulled up to the school.

"Time for the worst 8 hours of my day, which will be spent sitting in a chair and not moving, even though I'm in the prime of my life." Julius said looking at me. Ryland got out and walked over the Cobra Kai kids to talk to Alyssa and Tanner pulled into the parking spot next to me. We all got out of the cars we were in and walked to the back of Tanners truck.

We talked for a little bit before Ryland came over and grabbed his backpack and him and Alyssa walked into high school together for the start of their first year. We finally worked up the nerve to walk in and get our schedules. Julius and I had almost ever class together, but fifth period, I had fifth period with Timmy though, and we all had fourth and seventh period together.

Julius and I walked into first period and we looked at the board.
"Find your names on the piece of paper taped to the desk. Sit down and settle in. Today we are just getting to know the people we sit around"

Julius found his name on his desk and I looked around. I couldn't find mine. The teacher walked in and stared at me.

"Ms. Smith, I have heard so much about you from your previous teachers that I didn't put your name on a desk. I like to let the more problematic kids pick their own seats" I looked at him and looked over at Julius and saw no open seats around him.

"Well sir, if she can pick her seat, can you move one of these kids to the open seat and put her next to me?" Julius asked looking at him.

"Julius, see there's a difference. She makes you problematic, which makes you problematic. She needs to sit by somebody who can keep her in check. That's why I left one seat open, Katie, please go sit by Mr. Lawrence." I looked at the only empty chair which was by Johnny. I went and sat down in my desk and caught Johnny looking at me. I looked over at him and back to the teacher.

"I want every other row to talk to the person to the right of them for the entire 50 minutes they are in here. Learn about each other or catch up with the person if you haven't talked to them in awhile. This is for participation, so in order to get a good grade, you have to talk to them." Johnny looked at me.

"Hey Katie. Long time no talk."

"Yeah it's almost as if I didn't talk to you last night." I replied sarcastically.

"Okay look, and listen to me now. I don't know what I did to you, but you're the one who cut me off and just didn't want anything to do with me. I didn't do anything to me."

"Shouldn't you be talking to Ali or something, wouldn't want to make her jealous."

"This is ridiculous. Trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a brick wall, you don't listen and let me get through what I want to say." I looked over at Julius and he motioned me to come over to him.

"Mr. Johnson, can I please use the restroom?" I asked. He looked at me mad and then motioned for me to go. I ran by Julius's desk.

"He wants to sit and talk and won't give it up." I whispered to Julius. I ran out of the classroom and looked down at my feet as I was walking. BAM!

"Fuck, that hurt." I said looking up at a strange new face.

"I'm so sorry, I'm new here and was looking at my schedule and not paying attention. I'm Daniel." The strange new face said.

"I'm Katie."

"Well, hello Katie, could I ask you for a real quick favor?"

"Yes of course."

"Can you show me where Mr. Halls room is?"

"Yeah actually it's right here. Right through that little hallway, it's the first door on the left." I sat and waited to make sure he made it to the class fine. I walked back to my class and walked in. I walked passed Julius's desk and he grabbed my arm.

"Katie, you need to talk to him, or I will. He genuinely wants to talk to you and it's wrong that you won't let him." He whispered looking up at me. He let me go and I walked back to my seat. I looked over at Johnny and he looked back over at me.

"Look I'll talk after school, but I go and help my grandpa after school now. So it'll have to be probably 7:45."

"Okay, you wanna meet at the beach at 7:45?" I nodded my head yes and watched a smile appear on his face. This should be eventful.

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