28. Pei Ming makes a big mistake

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Pei Ming was dazed, mesmerised, looking at Xie Lian; everybody, specially the ones who actually knew Pei Ming, knew that look. Infatuation, seductiveness, and lust. It was that glint in the eye, the look he always had just before putting on a chase on someone.

It took but a few seconds for Pei Ming to realise he had made a big mistake. Not only Xie Lian was a man, but he was Hua Cheng's man. All the deities knew it, the cultivators and the mortals also knew it. If The Scrap Collecting Immortal and Crimson Rain Sought Flower were even worshipped together, how could they not know? So as one, Pei Ming and everybody else looked at Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng's look was dark, full or murderous intent, an evil aura emanating from him and quickly spreading around, veins popping on his hands. He stood up slowly, but either than that he didn't move. Suddenly, a red smoke surrounded Pei Ming, and he was turned into a daruma doll, rocking helplessly back and forth.

There was a silent shock and a collective gasp, and Shi Qingxuan screamed in horror, "Crimson Rain Sought Flower, please turn General Ming Guang back! Whatever indiscretion he has committed, we can sort this out later."

Hua Cheng laughed unkindly and said, "Why? He looks more like himself now."

Then the general shock started to become noisy, like a busting dam, chaos spreading like wildfire, and before anyone could make any sense of anything, bright glittery lights exploded everywhere. It was too quick; it turned out these lights were really an extra fierce and compact swarm of silver butterflies, and when it dissipated, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian were nowhere to be seen.

Shi Qingxuan quickly jumped to the main stage, gesturing for the band to start playing, and his voice boomed on the festival's broadcasting array, "Esteemed Lords and Ladies, we have just crowned our queen, and doesn't she look too good not to be seen? Much ashamed of the interruption, but all is fair in love and war." And he made a big show of waving his fan, with big pomp and circumstance, having just gained mastery of the situation.

Mu Qing however, looked beyond displeased, feeling his "reign" was far from being absolute and triumphant, and would be quickly forgotten; truly a Heaven Tribulation for General Xuan Zhen. In a fit, he grabbed the crown, flowers and sash he was gifted just a few minutes before and threw them on the floor, stepping on them furiously and purposefully with his heels. He also pulled off his wig, tossing it in rage to the heavens.

Naturally the whole audience thought everything was all an act, and turning Pei Ming into a daruma doll was an extra treat for the seekers of the magical and supernatural, truly an unforgettable spectacle, and burst into excited and deafening cheers and applause. Only the heaven officials, knowing Pei Ming, guessed his indiscretion and could only imagine his humiliation. 

I don't know whether to laugh or cry... 😜😜😜

Thank you for reading! 

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