8. Choreography rehearsals at The Wind and Water Temple

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"One two three four five six seven... Stop stop stop. Feng Xin your timing is wrong AGAIN." That was the irascible and indeed extremely annoyed voice of Mu Qing, leading the choreography rehearsals at The Wind and Water Temple.

Feng Xin shouted, "Fuck fuck fuck what the actual fuuuck!"

"Well, like I said, AGAIN." Mu Qing said, rolling his eyes. "And don't give me this nasty look."

"I'd give you a nasty look, but you already got one.", Feng Xin replied.

"Please. Don't get bitter, get better." Mu Qing added a raised eyebrow to his annoyed expression.

He had several reasons to be annoyed. First for being appointed for choreography director together with Xie Lian, second for said choreography not being the martial art type but one he judged rather undignified; then the other contestants were so BAD, quite disappointing really, with most of them being martial gods and all, used to the dance of the swords.

Then there was Feng Xin, who was particularly untalented. Actually, this last part was at the same time satisfying, as it gave Mu Qing free rein for snorting, shouting, rolling eyes and being horrible in every way to Feng Xin.

Feng Xin was at the verge of coughing blood with rage, not only in the position of being led by Mu Qing, but because he was in fact really bad. So as a retaliation, Feng Xin only followed Xie Lian's advice and guidance, leaving Mu Qing almost coughing blood in his turn.

Xie Lian again didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had to constantly stop them of actually fighting and destroying The Wind and Water Temple, with its redecoration works still going on; and to mind the other contestants too, who, not being as bad as Feng Xin, weren't that talented either.

It didn't help the fact they had to wear heels because, according to Shi Qingxuan, it was one of the unwritten rules of drag even though everybody believed it was another form of torture he had devised, indeed this whole ordeal being a "death by a thousand cuts".

"Fuck", said Feng Xin, taking his heels off and examining the poor state of his feet.

"Who on The Three Realms invented such hellish device?", said Pei Su, taking off his.

Xie Lian and Mu Qing met on The Wind and Water Temple on the previous day to see about the choreography. They decided to save themselves some trouble and modify that famous Shangyuan mock fight, when Xie Lian was Jun Wu, in snow white robes and wearing a golden mask, vanquishing a powerful ghost, a black-clad Mu Qing brandishing a zambato.

Only they didn't count on the difficulty of having several other participants with different skill levels to coordinate. Some were really bad, as Feng Xin, and also Ling Wen and Ke Mo, this last one being a Wrath General, his martial skills relying in fact on brute force.

Some other contestants were alright; Lang Qianqiu, He Xuan and Pei Su, this last one being pushed on by Pei Ming, never wanting to compete in the first place. The last two, Quan Yzhen and Ming Guang, were surprisingly talented. Well not so surprising in the case of Ming Guang as he was half a sword spirit, so his human form was agile and graceful.

Around lunchtime Hua Cheng appeared, bringing Xie Lian his favourite steamed buns from Ghost City; hugging him from behind and resting his face on Xie Lian's shoulder, he asked, chuckling,

"So Gege, are you having fun?"

Xie Lian just sighed. Feng Xin and Mu Qing, who could never get over the fact that Xie Lian was with Hua Cheng and was actually very happy, looked at them with disapproving dark faces. Hua Cheng laughed mockingly, and they shouted back, "Crimson Rain Sought Flower what are you laughing at? It's not you dancing on heels!"

Still hugging Xie Lian, Hua Cheng kissed him on the cheek, making Feng Xin and Mu Qing roll their eyes at the same time. He said, not shouting but loud enough to be heard in the whole temple, "See Gege I told you these two are soulmates!"

Xie Lian had to control himself not to laugh, and he was sure Feng Xin and Mu Qing noticed it. He patted Hua Cheng's hand and said, "San Lang please don't provoke them. Things are already difficult as it is."

Hua Cheng said, "Alright I'm off, I have some things to take care of. See you later." Then he kissed Xie Lian on his ear and said with a low voice, "Then I will take proper care of Gege."

Xie Lian smiled and blushed. Feng Xin and Mu Qing looked at them even more unpleased.

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