12. Enter the style advisors

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Being a kind soul, Xiao Ying cared deeply about the child with the bandaged face at the Mount Yu Jun, so she became a ghost, eventually ending up at Madame Ylang Ylang's, a famous drag house in Ghost City. She became peerless as a drag style advisor.

She smiled, "Young lord, I'm here to make you the most stunning drag queen to have ever stepped on The Three Realms."

Xie Lian put his hands together, "Thanks in advance for your hard work!"

So off they went to Xiao Ying's work studio, where they researched "Weird and Wonderful" tales on some scrolls Hua Cheng sourced, and Xiao Ying started devising her drag creation, with artistry and skills; Xie Lian was in awe, as he thought his transformation back at Mount Yu Jun was already outstanding, making even Feng Xin and Mu Qing, who grew up with him, gasp in shock.

The other deities also sought more help in the drag matters. However they mainly chose someone they trusted as they felt embarrassed to see about outfits and wigs with strangers.

Feng Xin counted on the help and guidance of Jian Lan who, not being a drag queen herself, wasn't far from that either. Feng Xin was more of an action martial god and not the intellectual type; yet he ascended with self-taught skills and cultivation, so he managed to research the theme of his presentation himself.

Mu Qing on the other hand didn't appoint anyone. He didn't have the patience, didn't trust others with the task, and didn't need to. He was the personal assistant of The Crown Prince of XianLe since a young age; he himself was a skilled tailor, needlework and embroidery being his guilty pleasures.

He always looked impeccable and was considered the model of martial divinity elegance and a trendsetter. Now he seemed to dedicate himself wholeheartedly to the drag arts, researching and learning everything he could in as little time as possible.

Another heaven official who didn't have a style advisor but rather relied on a team of junior officials was Lang Qianqiu. As The Crown Prince of Yong'An, he was used to the very best and had a good taste, so he let his attendants come up with ideas, just accepting or refusing them.

Ling Wen, even "knowing it all", as her spiritual communication array password said, still had a helper, surprisingly Bai Jing, or The Brocade Immortal. The Brocade wanted to be Ling Wen's drag outfit himself but this was against the rules, so he just assisted in taking measurements, cutting, embroidering; the design left helplessly for Ling Wen to do.

Pei Su, joining on this predicament thanks to Pei Ming, was still mindful of him, and instead of asking The Rain Master's help, he chose to work with Banyue. She lived once in a luxurious court and wore brocades and golden jewels as The Imperial Preceptor, so Banyue gladly stepped in to do her best for Pei Su Gege.

Quan Yzhen, being an excellent martial artist, relied most of all on his dancing and presentation prowess. And could get no other help than from his shixiong Yin Yu; Yin Yu decided to take this chance to overcome his dread of Quan Yzhen, and do what he must.

He Xuan kept his drag creation process under wraps, which didn't surprise anyone. Being extremely driven and resourceful, he was already regarded as a strong contestant, having the element of surprise in his favour. He took Ke Mo and Ming Guang under his wing, as in the past they both fought with Hua Cheng at some point; it wasn't clear however if He Xuan himself was being their style advisor.

So even though everyone was dragged down at first, now they were dutifully working hard and doing their best.

Thank you for reading! 

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