15. Shi Qingxuan presents the dragrace's judges

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Shi Qingxuan, as the Temple Master, stepped in himself as the master of ceremony of the event, which didn't surprise anyone, given his breezy and expansive personality, fond of entertainment and extravagance. He walked purposely on the main stage, waving his fan; not his original spiritual device, but a very passable copy with similar effect, thanks to ghost candy spiritual energy.

He had his cultivator robes but of course much more luxurious ones, with exquisite fabric, metallic embroidery and light-coloured details shimmering with the temple lights, elegant but not frivolous. His excited voice exploded in everyone's head through the spiritual broadcasting array.

"Esteemed Lords and Ladies, welcome to our very first Bian Zhuang Huanghou Xuan Mei Festival, or put simply, Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace, a glamorous and fabulous display of extravagance, outrageous attitude, unparalleled beauty and charm; a pure delight to the senses, a unique experience in all The Three Realms."

The band playing live coordinated perfectly with the broadcasting array, blowing the audience's minds, not delighting the senses as described by Shi Qingxuan, but going beyond. He continued,

"We're about to start our exquisite and truly legendary pageantry, and first I'd like to introduce our honoured judges, specially chosen by their insight, expertise and sense of style, making them the deities among the deities of the drag arts."

The crowd cheered and applauded, with excited anticipation of the personalities to come.

"He rules the pioneering and ground-breaking capital of the drag arts, Ghost City. His name makes all in The Heavens tremble in fear. And he's got peerless style. Need I say more? Welcome Lords and Ladies our esteemed Ghost King Crimson Rain Sought Flower, Hua Cheng!"

Hua Cheng walked in on the main stage confidently, as if all he did in his afterlife was making such entrances, and was indeed an impressive sight, his floating red robes, his good looks and his eye patch giving him a feral and dangerous aura. He smiled and waved nonchalantly, making the ghosts in the audience cheer and applaud in an extra noisy mad chaos.




Hua Cheng walked off and sat at a table on the right side of the stage, being served some wine in a stylish goblet by a festival attendant.

"He was The Guoshi of The Crown Prince of WuYong more than 2000 years ago. Appointed to The Heavens, and Guoshi of The Crown Prince of Xianle. You can't find a bigger expertise in cultivation and Taoist magic Lords and Ladies. Please bow low to The Guoshi Mei Nianqing!"

Most people in the crowd didn't know who he was, but with such impressive titles, and also reasoning that if he was there, he must be somebody, they broke into mad cheers again.

The Guoshi walked in, dressed in black robes, looking all the more dignified. He bowed to the audience stiffly, then walked to the table to sit beside Hua Cheng, who was also applauding him warmly. He eyed Hua Cheng up and down in a suspicious manner.

Shi Qingxuan carried on, "He's the martial god of the north, General Ming Guang; with many victories on the battlefield, but countless victories in love. Who else in The Three Realms would be a better judge of the feminine forms and gentle beauty ideals?"

Pei Ming walked on stage confident on his martial heaven official good looks, but his smile looked somewhat strained. All Shi Qingxuan said was right, but the way he said it wouldn't really make anyone flattered. Pei Ming waved to the noisy crowds and walked to the table, sitting on the far left, leaving the middle seat vacant.

After the cheers and applause subsided slightly, Shi Qingxuan, theatrically waving his fan and smiling delightfully, introduced himself.

"Let me introduce the head judge of this festival. Former Wind Master of The Heavenly Court, Temple Master of The Wind and Water Temple of the Royal Capital, organiser of The Bian Zhuang Huanghou Xuan Mei Festival. It is I, Shi Qingxuan."

More mad cheers from the crowd; however, Shi Qingxuan kept waving his fan at the applause, stirring the crowd to go even madder on their cheers and applause. Then he did a dramatic pause, and went on,

"And now, Lords and Ladies, the moment we were all waiting for. The deities competing for the title of The Queen on The Bian Zhuang Huanghou Xuan Mei Festival, or Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace, their beauty and charms overwhelming The Three Realms. Our esteemed drag queen contestants."

Well what can I say. Hua Cheng's too sexy! 😍

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