❄️ 21

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"Rengoku-san!" Mitsuri exclaimed.

"Are you two okay?" He asked. "I'm changing my orders...This demon has planted bombs all over the capital."

How can we—Bombs?! All over?!

"You and the other swordsmen disarm them," he continued. "This guy's strangely fixated on me for some reasons. I will defeat him."

"Defeat me? My head is uncut-table. You can swing your sword all you want but you can never beat a gun," the demon said. "Likewise, this demon hunters will never beat a demon."

Kyojurou just stood there clenching on his sword. Mitsuri have already left you with him but you know you can't help him.

"Young pillar, I suggest you back off a bit, I will take him on myself, that's what they ordered you, right?" Kyojurou said and smiled at you.

You sighed. "I'll be watching," you said as you ran off away that area and jumped to the top of the building to watch. You know that the others can handle everything as long as it's not a demon, so they practically don't need your help at all. You don't even know how to disarm a bomb, you'll be pretty useless to them.

"I don't know who you're mistaking me for, but my name is Rengoku Kyojurou!" He raged. "Come! I will cut down your grudge right here!"

You can't lie but you felt goosebumps while listening to his words. You haven't seen the outcome of this fight but you know he'll win.

The gun demon unleashed a Blood Demon Art around the ground and to your fast reflexes, you dodged one that was totally made for you.

So he can still see you from up there?

You were continuing on watching when you heard a familiar squeal at the bottom, a few distance away from Kyojurou and the demon.

Instead of watching, you decided to jump down, slicing down whatever Blood Demon Art which is trailing you.

Your eyes widened when you saw Mitsuri getting attacked by the wolves from the demon and was about to help her but she stood up and swiftly ran towards a woman and protected her.

"Wow," you muttered. "Kanroji-san is flexible!"

You watched how she flips and she looks like she's dancing while swinging her sword, slicing the wolves and you are totally impressed. You wish you were that flexible too.

When she falls to the ground, she even manage to catch the bomb using her feet but she dropped her guard. There's still another wolf coming from behind her.

You didn't waste any second and ran toward her as you swung your blade towards the wolf, and watched it crumble in ashes.

"Oh, Soyama-san! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed while standing on her feet.

"It's nothing," you said. "Sorry for being useless, though."

Her eyes widened. "Oh no! No! You're not useless at all! It's just that you have nothing to do here, that's all...And besides," she paused and smiled. "I could've died earlier too if you didn't save me, Soyama-san!"

Your face softened and smiled at her sweetly. "It's F/N, you can call me that."

"Then call me Mitsuri! I would love that!" She said.

"Well then, Mitsuri-san, let's go find Rengoku-san, shall we?" You said.

As you two went back to where Kyojurou was fighting, you're jaw dropped now that you're seeing what you've expected. The other slayers arrived too.

Mitsuri ran towards Kyojurou who's panting heavily and embraced him with tears on her eyes. "You did it! You beat one of the twelve demons!" She said cheerfully. "Now you can be a pillar, Rengoku-san!"

"Hey! Move it! We gotta treat the guy or he'll die!" Said one of them but Mitsuri ignored them and continued crying. They tried pulling her away from Kyojurou but she just won't. "She's not moving at all! What's up with her strength?!"

You also made your way to Kyojurou and placed a hand on his shoulder. He's barely hanging onto consciousness. "Welcome to the ranks, Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojurou," you said. His lips cuved into a small smile before passing out completely. "I knew you could defeat him."

"Ah, too bad, you lost

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"Ah, too bad, you lost." You sat on the bench here outside Sanemi's house.

Wondering how you got here?

When he heard that the Ice Hashira came back from the mission, he didn't waste any moment and lifted you onto his shoulders and brought you here, in other words, kidnapped you.

Then when he put you down, he apologized for yelling at you and told you that he just got carried away.

It's not that you're bothered about it, you knew he was carried away. You just wanted to annoy him that's all.

"So I guess he's also a hashira now?" He asked with his usual uninterested tone.

"Yeah. He deserved it anyways," you said as you sipped on your tea that tastes awfully bland. But you didn't complain since it may break his ego. "He's both good in skills and his words...Compared to others who's just knew how to shout and all of that."

"Are you saying something?"

You shook your head immediately. "I said the others are just quiet."

Sanemi sighed. "You know what, just go home," he said and took the cup from your hands.

"Oh really?! Finally?! I could rest!" You sarcastically exclaimed.

Sanemi chuckled a little before patting your head. "Sorry for kidnapping. Now leave."

You grinned at him before rolling your eyes and taking your leave out of Sanemi's Estate. What a pain.

to be continued.

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