Chapter 34 | Part I

Start from the beginning

"So call her now."

"I will. But I need to come clean about everything first."

"You should've done that when you said you wanted a break."

"I know but this way one weight is off my shoulders and it'll be a softer blow to her since we spent some time apart. Hopefully."

"Wow. You're just so incredibly selfish."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're not worried about how this is going to affect her Ash. You just care about whether she'll get back with you or not."

"Of course she's coming back? We're just taking a break."

"Well you're not the one calling shots here. She is. At least after she hears about your fucked up... whatever." Vivian says, baffled. "She's the nicest person but I hope she gives you a run for your money. Especially now that she's had different... company."


"Oh... You don't know anything about it do you?"

"Know about what?"

"Abigail and Luke."

"What about them?"

"They're the talk of the town. And word's out that they're going to be on GQ's January cover."


"Oh my god. You actually don't know anything."

"No okay. I've done nothing but focus on Jiwe."

"So you don't know about Abigail's turn on the industry?"

"She's been doing shoots left and right. And boy does she look gorgeous on them."


"Look for yourself." she cuts me off, waving her phone in front of my face.

I grab it in annoyance. A google tab of an article was open. And not just any article. An Allure article with a picture of a Abigail. Laughing with the sun on her face and a flower tucked behind her ear.

"I wish I could read this but I'm way too drunk and way too upset." I say, keeping the phone face down on the bar.

"You know, you're lucky if she still wants to patch things up. Now that she's got a taste maybe she'll finally realize that you're a good for nothing piece of shit."

"Alright fuck off Vivian."

"Just know who you're up against. Luke and her maybe just friends but he's like the most gentle person ever and she'll see the contrast soon."

"Gentle... Sure. I mean you would know better than anyone... You almost walked out on your engagement for him."

Vivian inhales shakily.

"You know Ash, I really want the best for you and I try to be happy for you but you just... You make it so hard."

"Okay I'm sorry that was uncalled for. But you're just rubbing in all my insecurities in my face. And... I don't feel good." I rub my thumb and index on my forehead to get rid of the throbbing pain, without success.

"You still want her though right?"

"Of course I fucking want her. She's the best thing that's happened to me in like... ever."

"And if she kept calling you for three weeks daily without you answering any of them she obviously wants you too."

"They stopped a few days ago. You know what maybe you're right. Maybe she's finally realized."

"Not so soon Ash. Communication is best. You don't know anything until you speak to her." 

"Okay and how do I do that? Just call her? I don't even know where she's staying."

"Why don't you start by inviting her to the Launch party?"

"I'm sure she's already invited Vivian. Monica had her at the top of the list if I'm not wrong."

"Yeah I mean why don't you personally invite her?"

"Like call her?"

"That works. Just... Do it your own way."

"I will. Thank you."

"And the perfume is great! I sneaked some from the one you gave Diablo and just... wow."

"I know. I sampled them myself." I smirk.

"See that's the smile you need."

"And a little birdie told me that the pre orders were off the charts!"

"Yeah. It's... nice."

"Is it worth it though?"


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