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Ep. 28 - Place to hide in

They were right, I indeed enjoyed our stroll on the beach. Peter and MJ made it even more better by having a picnic in the beach.

I smiled as I feed myself some of my favorite snacks and sweets as I read my book on my other hand.

Peter didn't even said anything about what happened yesterday and I was happy about that. We both refer having a day-off from everything. No soulmates, no yelling, no shouting, no Tony, no everything.

It's just like a vacation where you relax and not think negatively. It's making me happy. Why?

Am I not happy about the 4? What about living in the Avengers' Tower? Meeting Captain America?... None of that beats this happiness right now. I love the feeling. The feeling of free.

I closed the book clearly not thinking straight from the book. I decided to shook the thought out of my head before watching the sunset with the others.

The pretty orange hue was glancing on our faces until I heard a camera click.

I turned and saw Peter taking a picture of me. I eyed him confusedly. "They wanted to see you but since they thought you wanted more time, I decided to take a picture of you." He whispered to me.

I just nodded. "Just tell them that I'm safe and alright. I'm fine in the Brants' household." I smiled at him. He smiled back before nodding, turning his head to the sunset yet again.

The warm feeling of thinking of being free from a lower atmosphere was a greater impact than I thought. I need to feel free more than I thought.

As the sun finally gone down from the horizon. Everyone was already packing up. I helped MJ with the picnic blanket while the others were picking up the trash and the left over food.

All of us walked to Bet's house before Peter and MJ went swinging around. We got in the house only to see someone, I should not be seeing.

Bet gasped loudly before dragging me up the stairs. Pulling me in my room. "Why is he here?!" She whispered-yell, pacing back and forth.

The door opened revealing Ned. "I already called Peter that he's here." He whispered. I just shaking a bit. Of what? I was scared. I feel like I'm going to be in a prison yet again. That's what I feel like. A prisoner.

In the tower, I feel like a prisoner. That's why I'm not happy, that's why I don't feel free.

"I'll talk to mom, neddy stay here incase Peter went by the window." I heard Bet, snapping me out of my mind.

It went back to me again. The mission. Many people were killed.. Lost their families. It was my fault.

"Hey, look. I know what you're thinking right now, stop it. It's not your fault, it's his fault." Ned spoke.

I turned to him, not saying anything before looking back out at the window. Only to see Peter already upside down, looking straight at us.

"Peter." I mumbled which Ned heard and turned to the window. "Oh! Peter!" He said, running to the window, opening it. Peter got in, looking at me.

"Oh, don't pity me." I said as I looked away from the two guys. "I just want to be alone without everyone in this moment." I added before laying down on my comfy bed.

After a few minutes of silence, a knock on my door rang in the room. Peter instantly pulling me out of bed and hiding me behind him. "Peter, It's fine." I whispered to him but he didn't budge.

"(Y/N), open the door." The voice on the other side muffled but I already know who it is.

Ned already squeezing himself in front of me as well with a bat in hand. "Guys." I spoke which they ignored yet again.

The door finally opened revealing not only Tony but him, mom and Fury?.. Wait? Why is Fury here?

Panic started going after me as my mind started creating scenarios in my mind.

"I can't have you into the agency, (L/N)."

"You've kill a lot of people because of your ignorance."

"Many people have died because of you."

"You've disappointed me."

I finally took a deep breath before mumbling behind Peter. "Peter, can we go home?.." I mumbled barely audible but Peter heard it. He slowly turned to me.

"Open the window and let's swing somewhere. Maybe to the beach yet again?" He whispered back. "Let's just get out of this place, I don't want to be here." I whispered back. He just nodded, "Open the window."

Peter slowly backs us to the window which I sneakily opening it. Ned was confused but he realized what I was doing before backing up again to Peter's side, blocking the view of my hands from them.

"Look, (Y/N). I'm sorry alright? I shouldn't have done it." Tony spoke, I just ignored him as I placed my attention the window. I finally opened it before poking Peter's shoulder.

"I know what you're doing." Tony spoke once again.

Without anymore words coming out from Tony's mouth. Peter and I hold each other tightly. Before jumping out of the window. We started swinging around the neighborhood before we even touch the ground. Me holding tightly onto Peter as we swing.

We got to the beach yet again, as Peter put me down before sitting beside me.

"You alright?" He spoke. "No." I replied.

"You can stay with me, MJ and aunt may for a while, if you want." He said.

"Tony knows about May's apartment, Peter. I can't hide there but I can hide somewhere." I slightly smiled at him.

"And it's a secret for us to keep, right?"

"Yes. Now this is the place-

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