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Ep.8 - Dinner Served

"So why do you want me here?" He asked. "'cause there's still a few more hours before dinner." He added, pointing at the clock on the wall. I sighed. "Just need someone to talk too. I mean Nat is here and also Wanda but you're the only one I could trust at the moment." I giggled nervously as I walk towards the kitchen area.

"Oh? What do you want to talk about?" He said. "Nice room, by the way."

"You should thank Stark." I chuckled getting the pitcher of juice in the fridge. "Juice?" I asked.  "Yeah, sure." Clint replied. I poured him some before taking the pitcher to myself. I handed him the glass of juice before downing the pitcher.

"Are you an alcoholic?" He asked. I almost choke at his question. I coughed a little before looking at him. "I'm underage so no." I said. "Why do you ask?" I added.

"I don't know maybe that's because of how you seemingly downed the full pitcher." He replied. I laughed, "Nah!"

A comfortable silence winged around us, taking the scenery of New York on my window. It's a hight tower, that's for sure.

I could see Clint admiring me at the window, his reflection glancing at me with something is in eyes. Love? Worry? I don't know.

I turned my head towards him as he snapped it out of my glance. "So talk?" He said. "Oh, yeah. Any secrets I could know about Stark or something?" I smiled at him. He smiled back. "I have one but Tony is gotta be the one to say it and after that I might have to think about it." He replied.

"Not much of a secretive man, is he?" I chuckled. "Not really, to be honest." He replied, giggling. I trust this man. I know I could trust him. He can make me feel relaxed, loved and everything. Well it's now or never. "Clint.. Thank you." I smiled. "For what?" He spoke. 

"It's just that, ever since the news got called out, all I could trust was my mom and myself. I have no one left if only my presence is risking my mom's life. So thank you for giving your time for me. It's not like I trust you because you're my idol, no. So thank you again." I smiled sweetly at him.

He was surprised to the bones but he hid it with a smile back. "You're welcome, sweetie." He replied before walking towards me and hugged me. "I will never let Stark destroy your innocence." He whispered. I laughed at his remark.

We let go of each other, laughing a bit more. "Mr. Barton, Ms. (L/N). Dinner is being served." I heard Friday. "Well, let's go meet your other idols." He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Stop it!" I whined before laughing, jokingly hitting his shoulder. He dramatically gasped before grabbing his shoulder. "That hurt." He gasped. "Oh my god, stop!"

We started laughing as I got myself my black cardigan that almost reached my knees. Putting it on before walking out with Clint by my side.

I can still see Clint's eye glancing at me from time to time. Once we reach the dining table, all of their eyes were onto me. "Hey." I heard a familiar voice.

I turned behind me to see Peter. "O- wait, you're an avenger?" I quickly asked. "Oh yeah.. Umm. Big announcement at school but you ran away, right?" He said. I put two and two together, realizing that the Avengers were there to announce Peter as an avenger.

I started internally pointing at everyone on the table then to Peter, saying their superhero names as I go. "You're spiderman?" I asked. He just smiled nervously before nodding.

"Well Ned and MJ are lucky." I nodded. "Well Ned already knew about my appearance last year." He replied. "Oh. Wow." I said. A chuckle occurred beside me but I nudge Clint's side, glaring at him. 

"What?" He whispered with innocent eyes. I was still glaring at him. I manage to sit in-between Barnes and an empty seat for Clint to seat in.  He sat at the empty seat. Peter sat beside Thor. I knew there's a chair besides Tony but maybe his wife is here so I'll just back away.

I already knew Tony was staring at me as I gaze my eyes to him back to Clint then the table. "You alright?" Clint whispered. I just nodded before looking at the bowl of fruits, silently gasping at it.

The fruits were shaped into different things. There's a tiny strawberry dinosaur! And an apple bird! I coed at the sight of the fruits.

And with that Loki and Wanda started laughing loudly. Everyone stared at them. I let out a giggle before Steve put the main dish on the table. "What?" I heard Bruce.

"(Y/N), that's cute." Wanda and Loki said in unison. I blushed at the fact they said my name before giggling. "Looks like someone enjoyed Steve and Bucky's shaped fruits." Wanda chuckled.

I felt myself sink from embarrassment as I hid my face with my hands. "I felt like a child right now." I whispered to myself. "You liked the shaped fruits?" I heard a deep voice beside me with a chuckle on the other side. I nudge Clint on my right side before nodding towards Bucky.

Bucky smiled at me. 'Wait, he smiled?! HE SMILED?!!' I was shocked at him before smiling back at him. 'Oh my Lord, help me. HE JUST SMILED?!'

I keep my excitement die down as we started getting food. We talked and talked, well I was being embarrassed like always by Clint because of the 'idol' part.

Bucky was hinting a smile and giggle at me while Bruce was amused. I kept telling Clint to shut up but he doesn't seem to budge. 'Curse you hawkeye.' I glared at him. I also notice that Tony was hinting me with jealous eyes as I was talking to the others more than him.

I heard the elevator chimed in the distance before hearing footsteps.

"Mom! Where's dad?"

I almost drop my fork as I heard a child's voice. "Morgan, honey. Dad is currently busy, we'll talk to him later." A woman's voice.

"(Y/N)? You're tense. Something happened?"

The woman's voice.. It was THE Pepper Potts.

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