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Ep.2 - A soul for you

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"I know! They're here right now, maybe they would be at the court!" She excitedly claimed, just in time for the speakers to beep, signaling the Principal is going to speak.

"3,2,1 check. 3,2,1 check. Okay! Since you guys already heard the rumors of The Avengers in our gracious school. Well lucky for us because the rumors are 100% true, if you want to meet them please go to the court, if not you can wait in the cafeteria or library. But we all know that all of you want to meet them! So join in the court!" The principal said.

"See! I told you!" Bet said before shaking me again. "Okay, okay, calm! Calm down!" I said, she stopped before placing her hands to her lap again.

"Sorry." She mumbled. "I know you're excited but don't shake a person, they'll get dizzy." I sighed. She just nodded. "Okay." She mumbled again.

"So are we going or not?" I smiled at her. She immediately raise her head towards me, sparkles in her eyes. "You're coming? You're not gonna stay in the library?!" She spoke. I chuckled, "When does it start?" She started squealing before hugging me tightly.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you!" She smiled at me. A smile that can literally melt every single guy's hearts. "You know I love you but stop trying to be cute." I chuckled before palming her face with my own hand.

"Okay, okay." She chuckled back before taking my hand off. "After lunch. It's after lunch." She said still smiling.

"What?" I asked. "I just can't believe that you're actually coming with me." She replied. I just shrug. "So are you going to eat or are we going to wait until the bell rings?"

Without another word, she got out her seat and started walking to the counter. I was just watching her until the scent of Peter's came to me. I scrunch my nose yet again, "Hey (Y/N)!" A voice came in front of me. Yep it's Peter and Ned.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them. They sat in front of me. "Why are you here alone?" Ned asked. "Oh, I'm not alone. Betty, my friend, is just getting food for the both of us." I replied.

"Betty? Betty Brant?" Ned asked again. "Yeah, why?" I asked as I noticed that Ned nudge Peter on the arm. Like it's a signal to something. Peter chuckled, "So Ned here has a crush on that friend of yours." He said.

"Oh, you're a lucky boy, someone has a crush on you as well." I giggled. Ned was shocked while Peter was laughing. "Looks like he already put two and two together." He laughed. "Oh Ned, what a lucky boy you are." I laughed.

Ned was now blushing like a tomato, only for me and Peter to laugh harder. "Hey guys. Looks like you keep (Y/N) company." I heard Bet behind me.

"Hey uh, Peter can we talk?" I smirked at him which he laughed about. "Yeah, sure." He replied. We both got out of our seats. I pulled Bet down on my seat before grabbing my sandwich and juice box in her hand. Walking away with Peter behind me.

We sat 4 tables away from them. "So just a question, what does your soulmate smells like or did you already found who it is?" I asked.

"I never found my soulmate yet but they smelled like cherries, new books, papers and graphite, you know from pencils?" He replied. I just nodded. "Well mine smells like Supreme perfume, motor oil, mix of chemicals and alcohol. And you already met them since you smelled like it."  I replied.

He looked at me like he had seen a ghost. "Alcohol?" He asked. I just nodded. "It seems like your fate told you it's time to meet them." He said before smiling at me. "You know them, huh?" I asked but he just nodded quite quickly.

I tear my sandwich apart before giving the other one to him, he accepted it and start eating. I started eating as well, glancing on the two lovebirds, me and Peter hooked up I guess?.

"I'm glad they found each other." He said, I chuckled. "I know right."    Looking at them, talking to each other. "Wait, I can smell my soulmate." Peter mumbled before looking around.

I looked at him. "What are you waiting for? Find that maiden!" I chuckled before pushing him off the seat. I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks before getting up and started walking around.

I sighed, getting up and walking back to the lovebirds' seats. "Hey, sorry for third-wheeling. Peter almost turned into a wolf when he  caught his soulmate's scent." I said.

They just chuckled before Bet started to stand and walk to the other side to seat next to Ned. "Stop being adorable, I'm going to gag." I rolled my eyes jokingly. Bet laughed at my actions, before leaning her head to Ned's shoulder.

I joked a gag out before looking away from them, laughing as they laughed with me. Just in time for the bell to rang. I sighed in relief, "Finally! I'm not going to be a third-wheel now!" I said. They kept laughing before I saw Peter near the cafeteria's door, talking to a girl.

I smirked before pointing at him, standing up. The two caught on my actions, looking straight at Peter. They just giggled. We started walking towards them. Ned and me whistling as we walked pass the two. "Get a room, you two!" I yelled before disappearing in the crowd.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" I heard Bet. "Just meet me in the court!" I yelled back before going further in the crowd, avoiding walking into people as fast as I could.

Once I reach the court, I was grabbed to the side. I looked up at the grabber.


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