chapter 30

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Valentine's pov
It's been an hour since Emily and Adrian abandoned Jonathan and I, Emily just came out of nowhere and stole Adrian from me.
I made pancakes for Jonathan and gave him some milk and then I went to take a shower so that I could join him when I was done.

"What do you want to do today bud?"

"Can we got to the park and play? Ooh and eat ice cream.....and...and watch a whole bunch of cartoons and then play some more?....."

"You have the whole day planned out, good job" I patted his head and he smiled at me while he stuffed his face with more pancakes.

Our day went just as Jonathan planned, we went to the park and played for a couple of hours and after we had lunch, I bought him his ice cream. Jonathan wanted to watch his favorite movie so we bought some snacks and went home. The movie he wanted to watch had three parts and we watched all of the parts on the couch while eating our snacks.
Today was really nice even though I had to watch a childrens movie it was still relaxing. After the movie was done we played a bit more until it was dinner time, Jonathan was yawning every 5 seconds and I brought him to the bedroom to put him to sleep so I could make dinner.

I tucked him in but he asked me to stay with him until he fell asleep so I laid next to him and Jonathan laid on my chest to make himself cozy and before I knew it both of us fell asleep.


"Val.....Val, come on baby wake up" A beautiful angelic voice woke me up from my sleep and Adrian was sitting right next to me. I didn't even notice when I fell asleep.

Adrian played with my hair while I laid on the bed not making any sign of getting up.

"Come on, you have to get up"

"Hey kitten" I finally answered and Adrian immediately looked at me.

"You're finally up, the two of you must've had fun, you both looked so tired" That's right, I came to put Jonathan to bed but ended up falling asleep.

"Where's Jonathan"

"He's with his mom downstairs"
He kept playing with my hair until I was fully awake.

"Good" I sat up on the bed and pushed Adrian on the bed to get on top of him.

I kissed him on his neck and chest but he didn't give in and instead hit me on the head and dragged me down.

"Well I'm glad you took your sweet time to wake up" How is it that just hearing her voice already irritates me.

I was going to answer her but Adrian cut me off and told us not to bicker like little kids. I couldn't say that what he was saying was wrong but considering the fact that she stole him from me for a whole day is enough reason to bicker like little kids, right?

Adrian and I sat down and ate the pizza they brought home. Jonathan sat with Emily opposite from us and told the others about our day while Adrian and Emily also talked about their day. We had our dinner and after resting for a bit Emily and Jonathan left and finally left Adrian and I all alone. I loved spending time with Jonathan but I still couldn't help but want to hold Adrian in my arms. I had been thinking about that the whole day and now I finally got what I wanted.

Adrian and I watched a movie and laid on the couch. Halfway through the movie Adrian fell asleep, I was serious about the text I send him earlier in the day but I couldn't wake him up when he was sleeping so peacefully, without a care in the world.

I stopped the movie and put him in bed. Jonathan and I made quite a mess when we were playing so I cleaned the house and went to sleep beside him.

And there was that feeling again, everytime I hold him in my arms to sleep, his body keeps me warm while my hands perfectly fit around his waist, making my mind focus on nothing but him. Everytime I held him in my arms I could calm down and sleep peacefully. He really is made just for me and I'll be the only one to hold him at night for the rest of his life and love him with everything I got because Adrian Smith.....for me you are just Wright.

If he heard what I said just now he would probably laugh and say that I'm being too cheesy and he's probably also right about that but still I really am grateful for him and I wouldn't want to live any other way.

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