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District 10 FEMALE: Jenny Whey: Short with brown hair in a bun, tan skin, baby blue eyes. Age 13. Skills: Smart and fast runner. Weakness: Weak in fighting, too nice, depends on others to protect her. Famous words: All of them... dead... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!

District 10 MALE: Bull Cacturna: Short black hair with dark brown skin and dark grey eyes

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District 10 MALE: Bull Cacturna: Short black hair with dark brown skin and dark grey eyes. Age 18. Skills: Strong, can use any type of weapon, loyal to allies, charming. Weaknesses: Can't kill younger tributes, big target for careers. Famous words: Keep your head up kid. You'll see me around, I'm not going anywhere. Just cause I'm dyin' don't mean I'm sayin' goodbye. We'll meet again...

District 11 FEMALE: (im still deciding the name) Age 12 (mostly based off rue)

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District 11 FEMALE: (im still deciding the name) Age 12 (mostly based off rue)

District 11 MALE:

District 12 FEMALE: Katy Moor: Short blonde hair with amber eyes. Age: 15. Skills: smart, careful, patient, knows how to survive in the wild. Weaknesses: Persistent, indecisive, day dreams. Famous words: Oh my gosh, I wonder if I'm the main character of a book somewhere! That would be awesome. Like, Star Wars awesome!

 Like, Star Wars awesome!

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District 12 MALE:

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