to you, 2000 years from now

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I have one paper I have to finish by Tuesday and I haven't even started it, but I couldn't leave this alone, so here it is. I hope you enjoy the last part of this series!


After the questions become too much, Eren and Levi realize they have to come clean about their past life.

It's Sunday morning, and Levi wakes up wrapped in Eren's arms. Like every time he goes to sleep with Eren by his side, he gets a full night of sleep. He hasn't felt this rested since before Eren died in their past life.

It's been months since they found each other again, but sometimes it's still difficult to wrap his head around it. Eren is here. He's real, he's not leaving.

As he buries himself deeper into his lovers's embrace, Levi thanks all the deity's he has ever believed in - Maria, Rose, Sina, Ymir. Those will always be his true goddesses, the ones that heard his prayers and made his wish come true - for letting him remember, for granting him this opportunity to find him in a world where they don't need to make any more sacrifices.

"What are you thinking about so early in the morning, love?" Eren's voice is hoarse from sleep. Levi looks up at him, directly into those ocean eyes that he adores so much.

"Nothing. Just... how grateful I am that I found you again," Eren smiles gently as he kisses the top of his head, and Levi inhales his calming scent. "When I started meeting people from our past life, and they didn't remember, I was really scared. What if you didn't remember either? What if you had forgotten me?"

"Levi, nothing could make me forget you. You hear me? Nothing. Even if Ymir had erased my memories like he did with everyone else, I would have still known you are the one I love, never doubt that," Levi exhales softly, letting the ghost of a smile wash over his face. Hearing Eren so sure of their love never fails to make him happy, because if he's so certain, then it must be true. Eren Jaeger never does things by halves, and their relationship certainly isn't the exception.

Eren had explained, some time ago, how he had prayed to Ymir on his last moments, how he had asked her to give everyone a second chance on a new world, one where there was no suffering. He asked for a blank slate for everyone, so they wouldn't have to relieve the horrors brought by the titans. As always, there was a price for a wish that big, which is why Eren remembers, will always remember.

Levi though, he's a special case. He supposes he was supposed to forget, just like everyone else. He would have, if he hadn't prayed to all his goddesses to let him find Eren again. Maybe Ymir was feeling generous, or she felt like the boy who had given her the right to choose deserved his happy ending too. Levi doesn't care about the reason, just that she made it happen, and that he'll be grateful to her until his last breath.

"Jean asked me something the other day," Eren changes the subject. Levi humms, letting him know he's listening. "He asked if we had ever gone on a canopy tour before. I told him we haven't, and he got this strange look on his face, like he was trying to think of something. Then he left, didn't say anything."

"That's... weird. Do you think he was thinking of the 3DMG?" Levi has never considered this possibility. He knows, because he has seen it with his friends, how sometimes people from their past life would get a feeling of deja vu. But what Eren is telling him is that Jean remembers enough to know about the 3DMG, even if he didn't know exactly what it is.

"That's what I thought too. Jean's always been stubborn though. He's the one that gets angrier when he remembers things and then forgets them. If anyone can remember out a sheer spite, it would be him," Eren tries sounding nonchalant about it, but Levi has known him for too long, and knows it's just a facade to hide just how worried he is. They don't know what remembering could do to any of their friends, if a sudden new set of memories as traumatic as the ones from the past would mess with their brains.

A Second Chance  || Attack on TitanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora