"Btw where are the others?!" Tsunade said, panicking.

"Idk... we separated..." Fuu said, worried.

"💭This is bad..." Tsunade said.

"Help me find them Fuu and Gaara!..." Tsunade said, panicking

"Ok but our mission is going ok?" Fuu said.

"That's not the point..."Tsunade said.
"We've been spying on you guys everyday, too see what you guys doing... but same to that gang you saw just rn... they said "Your children have to be careful or the grim reaper will come and go to their side".......... That's what they said...... when we met" Tsunade added.

"I see..." Fuu said.

"There they are" Gaara said.

Tsunade and Fuu looked and there they are. But........................ there are too late...

All of them has full of blood and wounds. The girls can't even stand with there feet. They have so much wound that only 1 hit and they'll die.

"C'mon were just starting!" Rxyle said, bored.

"Don't be rude to them Rxyle-sempai, we can just kill them rn or just play with them!" Christine said, being polite but not really;-;.

"You're right Christine" Rxyle said, smirking

"but I've been tempting my brand new pole that i got!"Rxyle added

"Its all of your choice to kill them or not" Michie said, sitting on the ground watching

"OHHHHHHH ARIGATOU MICHIE-SAMA!!!!" Myka said, excited 

"why not kill them now?" Gam said, shrugging.

"I don't mind anything" Gam added.

"Let's just kill them then!" Rxyle said, holding her pole


ALL OF THE GIRLS EVEN FUU HAD A POLE IN THERE STOMACH. THE BOYS WAS SHOCKED WHAT THEY SAW, within a minute tears fall from there eyes while watching the girls fall over the ground.








"Why can't we just kill all of them Boss?" Rxyle said.

"We only kill our enemies, that pole can't even kill them" Michie said.

The girls stand up slowly, and their eyes started to glow like crazy.

"What...?" Naruto said, so confused.

The girls look behind them with a worried face, letting them know that this there last chance seeing them. Within in a sec they rushed to the gang and fought even there hurt.

"Guys look... the pole is slowly disappearing... and there are healing..." Neji said, and pointed it.

"Bcs there r no ordinary humans" Tsunade said.

The boys was shocked and looked behind to see her.

"Wdym by no ordinary humans?" Itachi said.

"They have a cursed since they were born. No one knows the cure, we call the expert doctors, scientist, and etc and know much about curses, but no one knows how to take it off. But...... even they have a curse they fight, they're happy, and did not give up to their dreams. They believe the three choices in life: Give in, Give up, or Give it your all… (I just found it on someone else's story I forget the name of the account same to the story… but credits to them)" Tsunade said, happy kinda.

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