Sleepless Night

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No one should be awake at this hour but Sasuke was unable to sleep, again. He was laying on his back in bed, staring at the ceiling, just as he had been doing for hours. His sleeping wife, who was curled up on her side, was in a deep sleep.

Not being able to sleep wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Sasuke. After awhile he decided he couldn't lay there any longer and gently rolled out of bed. Sakura needed to sleep for as long as she needed so he tip toed from the room and quietly shut the door.

He made his way down the hall and stopped outside the cracked door of the nursery. After debating for a moment he went in.

He silently made his way over to the crib to look down at his newborn daughter. She was sleeping peacefully like her mother. He was leaning over her crib, crossed arms resting on the edge.

It was strange for him still. He wasn't used to having a family, having anyone depend on him. But having her provided him with a sense of warmth that this little human was part of him. She inherited his dark hair and eyes but he could see that she favored Sakura's looks.

He decided not to disturb her any further and leave the room but as soon as he made it to the door he could hear her quietly start to fuss. He rushed back over and picked her up so her cries wouldn't wake Sakura.

He held her against his chest with her head in the crook of his neck, with each hand supporting her bottom and back of her head. She quickly calmed down and fell back asleep. Thankfully because he didn't want to have to wake up Sakura to feed her. Sasuke wanted to make sure he did everything for his daughter that he could since Sakura was solely responsible for feeding her.

He stood there for a moment with her in his hands. It was amazing how tiny she was, it made him nervous that he would accidentally hurt her but it got better everyday.

Instead of putting her back in her crib, Sasuke decided to take her out to the living area with him to lay on the couch. He laid on his back with her on his chest, still holding on to her so she was safe. He laid there for awhile just thinking about how different his life is with Sakura and Sarada. It made him happy to think that he now had everything he thought would be impossible for him.

He didn't realize he fell asleep until he felt Sakura sit on the edge of the couch beside him. She had her hand resting on their sleeping daughters back and was smiling down at him.

"Thank you" he said to her. It made her smile but she was confused as to what he was thanking her for.

He continued, "for giving me a family. For giving me everything that I've wanted." She leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead before getting up. "I should be saying that to you" she teased, of course it was true though.

She bent over to pick up Sarada and cradled her close as she walked around the living room, gently bouncing and talking softly to her. He couldn't help but just sit and watch them. The way Sakura was with their daughter, it made him love her even more.

He got up from where he was laying on the couch and wrapped his arms around his wife, their daughter between them. Sarada was now awake and looking back and forth between them. "How crazy is it that we created this?" Sakura asked, staring down at her. "Super" responded Sasuke and then he kissed  her on the forehead.

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