27. old friends

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She awoke to the sight of coffee and a small plate of grits and eggs placed upon her nightstand. The steam still arose freshly from both dishes, which welcomed her to smile as she realized it was Christmas morning.

Kelly sipped her coffee; then figured only one person could cook in this house while brave enough to sneak food into her bedroom

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Kelly sipped her coffee; then figured only one person could cook in this house while brave enough to sneak food into her bedroom.

"Thank you!" She called out to her assumption of Malik being downstairs.

Soon she took her plate and mug, then ventured down the stairs in her pajamas. Her assumption was correct, and she smirked to see Malik sitting there alone at the kitchen table, watching a Christmas special on her tablet.

"Where are all the white women at?" She asked. And as she took a seat next to him, Malik smirked.

"Sleep, probably. I was gonna pick them up from the apartment when I finished cooking the dinner. When was the last time you ate since you walked out before I made the chicken last night."

"I grabbed some Taco Bell. Doesn't beat grits and salmon, though. I'll give you that." She offered him a warm grin, and he smiled back. Then, with her head leaning against his shoulder, she sighed. Somehow, there was a perfection lingering at this moment.

She liked being here. Liked being with Malik. Whether it was from the breakfast or the way his shoulders felt once she subjected them to mere pillows, nothing kept her from feeling safe in Malik's presence.

It was like old times, the very nostalgic sensation she had wanted when she brought him out here all those months ago.

"Something about this reminds me of some nights a few years back, you'd cook me something whenever I had a bad week and your mom would let me stay over. Hmph, she was convinced that me liking girls was just a phase and I'll make up my mind and marry you."

At the recollection, he nodded. "Yeah, I remember. Shit, I thought that same thing too, I won't lie. Just thought you were looking for something to make you happy. And maybe if I stuck around long enough, I could be that." 

"When did you realize that it wasn't?" 

Malik sighed. "Angelica Austin, junior year." 

Kelly needed no help remembering one of her older exes from their high school days. At the recollection of Angelica Austin, there also came the secret rendezvous they had, where Kelly would kiss the Dr. Pepper Chapstick flavor off her lips. 

Days of endless, but secretive, flirting with the captain of the cheerleading team would normally send a 16 year old Kelly Chase into a state of bliss. And when the rare afternoon where she didn't have cheerleading practice gave them opportunity, she thought back fondly to that hot and sticky rupture of her fantasies as Angelica released Kelly of her accursed virginity. 

But the euphoria was only temporary.

"She called me a faggot in front of her friends and boyfriend when they were at Burger King." She soon recalled with a coldness lingering in her voice. "Then I remember you letting me cry in your bed while you made me soup."

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