10. date night

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♫ night 52 by christine and the queens ♫

She couldn't remember the last time she was alone in a theater. 

Well, she wasn't technically alone. Julien was there... Just not there with her. 

After days of pulling his arm and convincing her fiancé of seeing A Star Is Born with her, they finally managed to make their first date back together official. 

But somehow, he instead managed to leave her here by herself with tears in her eyes as he was off stomping his feet joyously to Bohemian Rhapsody playing at the same time across the hall.

But she put on a brave face, as brave as one could be whilst watching Lada Gaga sing at her late husband's memorial, at least. Sitting here on the edge of the D-Row seats, a lingering afterthought peered through the back of her mind. 

The seat next to her was empty. And the person she really wanted there wasn't exactly Julien. He would've sat there with her, held her hand as they watched the film, smiled at the way she would ever-so-silently murmur out Shallows in unison to the scenes. 

Tonight wasn't the first time she missed Eli. It had been a reoccurring feeling lurking among her wishes like a dirty secret. But she tried to downplay it. It was natural to miss an ex, especially one she had strong feelings for just a week after last seeing them. She was sure that Julien missed any of the girls he was once with - or at least he would if he were permitted to not see them again. 

Being in an open relationship was the last thing Greta had ever thought she'd find herself in. But she believed she knew better this time. She understood Julien enough to realize that monogamy was never something he'd ever truly believe in. But she loved him enough to work their way through it to find the same semblance of happiness they once had as college kids. 

She couldn't hide it from herself, though. She knew why she opted into an open relationship, and it wasn't so that Julien could fuck all of Seattle out of his system. 

One day, maybe not today or tomorrow, she knew she find her way back into Eli's good graces again. If there was anything she's learned from their time together, it was that he had a difficult time ever saying no to her. 

He'll be lonely enough, missing the way they'd touch and kiss one another. Then she'll spring in with the good news. 

'Guess what, Georgia Boy? I'm still getting married, but you and I can still keep things going. Isn't that amazing?

That was just one of the many alternatives her mind had of introducing her proposal to him. But whose to say that he won't neglect it? Sure, he's not talking to her now, but if they just give each other that nudge like they always have, then Greta could have her cake and eat it too. She can wear that wedding ring around her finger, still married to Julien as planned. And this time, while Julien is out doing God knows what with God knows who, then Greta wouldn't care. 

She'll have her lover again. And they'll listen to Shallows, cuddle, fuck, eat chicken, then start the routine two or three days later. 

As the end credits played away, Greta pulled her phone out to see if there was perhaps some sappy voicemail or drunken text left by Eli like there had been the first few days after she left his apartment. But oddly enough, there was nothing. 

No text message, no voicemail message, not even a screenshot of a romantic Spotify song sent from him to her. It had been five days now. Five days since he's gone radio silent. Frankly, it was unnerving. But she left the theater to find Julien and try to get her mind off it. And through the crowds of people breezing from the theater, drunkenly humming out Queen songs, it wasn't long before she found Julien's handsome face and wavy blonde hair. 

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