29. backyard talks

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The house was quiet for now. In fact, it was too silent for her liking.

Wandering up and down the levels of the house, Cora had to ponder just how late she'd woken up as she'd already seen something cooking in the oven, along with the smell of some other meal faintly lingering about the air

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Wandering up and down the levels of the house, Cora had to ponder just how late she'd woken up as she'd already seen something cooking in the oven, along with the smell of some other meal faintly lingering about the air.

But there was no breakfast in the kitchen. There was no Kelly or Lulu as she expected.


There wasn't even her boyfriend.

From room to room, she checked for Marcus's presence. Out on the driveway, she noticed his car still parked. And with nothing left on her phone, she was beginning to worry.

So quickly, she called. But there was that faint ringtone she recognized so well, and following it, she sighed in relief before staring on in confusion at the sight of Marcus sitting on the patio in the back.

"Hey..." She called out to him after grabbing a hoodie. "It's cold as hell out here. What are you doing?"

But calmly, he looked back at her, branding only a light smile before he opened up his own jacket and offered her space on the steps where he was sitting. "Come check this out."

Reluctantly, she followed, then found a seat right in front of him and within his jacket. But her eyes only stared at the fallen snow blanketing the backyard. "What's supposed to be happening?" She asked.

Then Marcus sucked his teeth. "My fault, you're used to this."

"Used to what?"

"The snow."

To that, Cora scoffed before leaning deeper into his chest for dear warmth. "What, you Georgia Boys don't get snow back there?"

 "What, you Georgia Boys don't get snow back there?"

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"It's rare as hell," He said. "But never like this. It's like a postcard out here."

And the blonde-haired girl sighed out the vapors of her freshly minted breath, then watched the air soak it up to the cold. "Welp, that's Seattle for you. If not rain, then snow."

"I think it's beautiful."

Turning back, she got a good look at him and bit her lip. "You're really impressed by this!"

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