South growled at her, thinking that he just popped a vessel. "Why you little shrimp--!"

When he was about to punch her, someone immediately ran and blocked his fist—it was Benkei. South was taken aback at how fast the executive of Brahman was, "YOU'RE NOT WORTHY TO FIGHT BRAHMAN'S TOP 2!" Benkei yelled angrily and kneed him hard on the gut. South groaned in frustration, with a hand on his abdomen. Then someone came from above and kicked him hard on the nape—it was Wakasa. He did a flip and landed in front of [first name] on one knee, "Dare to touch Kawaragi with your filthy hands, and you won't be able to stand for months.." he said in a bored tone. South growled lowly at the dynamic duo as he stood back up on his feet.

Then Benkei turned to [first name], giving her an angry look. "Kawaragi! We're not here to brawl, damn it! You're just like Senju! How many times do I have to tell you two that our objective here is Takemichi Hanagaki!" He yelled at her, acting like a naggy mother. [first name] looked away from him with a bored look on her face and said, "Alright, I'm don't have to yell at me..what are you? my mom?"

Benkei put a palm on his face, then Wakasa turned to him and said, "There's no need to lecture Kawaragi, Benkei." He said boringly. South groaned and was about to rush at them but all of the sudden--

they began to hear sirens.


"South!! I've left the old me in the Tokyo Manji Gang!!" I yelled, getting the asshole's attention. "I'll never join Rokuhara Tandai!!" I added.

He stayed quiet for a second, then he turned to his men and said, "Let's get out of here, everyone!"

Why does all of this crap just had to happen..

"Draken!" I heard someone call my name, I looked behind me and it was Akashi. He went up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Sorry for just standing quietly." he said, then he went back to where Senju is. He took his umbrella from him and said, "Brahman! We're leaving too!"

Then I thought about [first name], making me look at where she is— she was standing 10 ft away from me, next to her was Brahman's boss, Senju. I stared at her, examining her from top to bottom. I still couldn't believe it--

She's the Untouchable Kawaragi..

The most talked about mysterious person working under Brahman..

Then Senju turned to [first name], "So that's Hanagaki?" [first name] nodded, then she noticed me staring at her. She stared back at me, giving me..what looks like an apologetic look.

[first name]..

I never thought that you would get involved in this kind of stuff..

And you kept it a secret from us..

Does Chifuyu knows about this..?

"Let's go, Kawaragi.." said Wakasa to her. [first name] gave him a nod as she, Wakasa, and Benkei followed Akashi and Senju from behind. I watched Brahman and Rokuhara leave the place. How did [first name] even become a member of Brahman..? But the real question is..


Why did she join Brahman?

Knowing her, she was never interested in delinquency. She hates being violent, but..

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