Eric's party (Kyman)

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Hello everyone, sorry for being so inconsistent when it comes to updating, I have recurring depressive episodes and never have motivation to do anything. I decided to try writing something new, maybe writing different stories would help. And I've been rewatching south park lately, so I decided to write some one shots. I'm super rusty when it comes to writing, so if you have any notes feel free to comment them. :) Anyways, enjoy 🖤 -Chamry

...Smut, cursing, and south park humor.... viewer discretion is advised ;)...

(Eric's P.O.V.)

"So yeah, party at my place tonight." I said enthusiastically with a grin. "Your mom is really letting you have a party tonight?"
I close my locker and look at Craig. "My mom is sewper chill and cewl so it's like whatever."
Tonight is Halloween, and it's also the night of my kick ass party.

Ever since the break up with Heidi, everything's gone to shit. My friends hate me more than ever, no one else likes me... but tonight I'm gonna throw the most epic party ever. One that no one will ever forget.

I walk down the hall, where Stan, Kyle and Kenny are, at their lockers.
I walk up to Stan and Kenny who are having a conversation.
"Hello gentlemen, party at my place tonight, you guys in?" Kenny never misses a party. Without skipping a beat he muffles a "hell yeah. Will there be chicks?"
"Yes Kenny there will be chicks. My mom is ordering us pizza and snacks, and I have 7 minutes in heaven and spin the bottle planned."
Kenny only starred as I spoke.
"Yeah that sounds lame. We're seniors, most of us just make out and fuck like adults." Says Stan, yawning sarcastically.
I scoff, "You're lame! It'll be sick, girls love when you flirt and do that kind of stuff. I promise it'll be fun."
I look at him with pleading eyes, he sighs and looks down. "Fine I'll go." He and Kenny lock arms and turn to go to class, Stan turns his head before leaving and says,
"Just because you're throwing a party doesn't mean you aren't a asshole."

I'm not surprised he would say something shitty like that, but it still caught me off guard. All I can muster in the moment is a pathetic,
"Whatever dude."
He smirks slightly and they walk off to class.

Eergggh.. fucking asshole.
I look over at kyle.
"Hey coming to my party tonight ?"
He slams his locker door and laughs in a condescending tone.
"Why would I ever come to your party fat ass.."
He glares over at me, books in hand.
I put my hand above his head and lean on the locker, looking down at him with a mischievous smirk on my face.
He quickly looks away, he looks like he is blushing...?
"Whatever fat ass! I'll come. But you better have the chicks and you better have the pizza." He swoops under my arm and walks off to class.

The school day goes by just as it usually does, boring classes, lunch, then more boring classes.
During lunch I took the time to walk around and invite people,with the continuous promises of chicks, pizza, and booze.

When school got out I ran to my bus as fast as I could, taking my seat at the very back of the bus, just before any one else got on.

As soon as I arrive home I run inside and drop off my bag in my room, my mom is downstairs getting ready, putting up streamers along the stairs, paper ghosts and bats hang all along the ceiling.
"Memmmmm I told you I wanted a DJ and there isn't a DJ!"
"Sweetie, I can't afford a DJ right now. I already have to buy you 100 pizzas, snacks, and beer." She looks over at me while fixing the last of the decorations on the stairs.
Atleast I have my new blue tooth speakers. I can just place those around and use my phone.
"whatever. Tonight will still be awesome. I gotta go get ready." I run back upstairs and open my closet.

Finally, 8 o'clock. People are starting to arrive. I look in the mirror one last time, fix my mask, then head downstairs.

As I head downstairs I notice the living room buzzing with chatter, the living room is lit in a dim purple hue from some lights my mom put up, and in the background is faint bass and rhythm.
Everyone was decked out in full costume, and mine? I chose a SICK werewolf costume. Hot and cool as fuck.
I looked around as I got to the bottom of the stairs and found who I was looking for.
Over in the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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