"Get comfortable, we're going to be here for a while." I moved slowly and sat down on the bed. "Do you need anything?"

"My phone...please." The psycho took my phone while I was asleep!

"And here I was thinking you would ask for food. It was a 3 hour flight and you ate nothing. I'm very sure you're hungry."

"I don't want food. I just want my phone." He brought the phone out and handed it to me.

"Don't waste your time trying to contact anyone cause it won't work, my tech guys already made sure of that."

"Why are you doing this?"

"To keep you safe and the only way for that to happen is for you to stay with me. Now, I need to get to a meeting so..." As he turned, he made a sound of pain as he held his midsection. Something was definitely wrong.

"You're hurt." He stopped and turned back to me, slowly.

"A minor bullet wound, I'll be fine."

"Come. Sit." He wasn't making any moves to listen to me. "I said, come! Sit!" He said nothing but then he moved to where I was and sat on the bed. I got up and started removing his jacket.

"Rape? I didn't know that it would come to this for you. Raping me?" He said with an annoying grin on his face. I said nothing as I continued undressing his upper body. By the time he was completely shirtless, I started feeling his chest to find the wound and sure enough, I found it. There was blood everywhere. Seriously, a normal person would've lost a ton of blood so how is he still functioning?

"Put pressure on the wound to reduce the bleeding. And where's your first aid kit?" He pointed to the bathroom and I got up and walked over there. Black again?! Even the shower was black. Hell, the first aid kit was also black! I grabbed it and went back to him. I removed his bloody hands from the wound and got to work. "This might hurt a bit."

"Ok...cool." I brought out the spirit and poured all over the wound to disinfect it. This should be painful but he didn't even move. I then went ahead to do a very careful bullet removal, which should also be really painful but nope. I then poured the spirit again and covered it up with some bandages wrapped around his torso.

"You should go to an actual doctor just in case I missed something." I said as I got up and walked to the bathroom so I could wash my hands. Luckily, I didn't get any blood on my clothes.

"There's no need for that. Thank you but I need to get to that meeting. There will be guards outside the room so if you need anything, ask them. Don't try to run because I will find you and if I don't, the Russians will. We are the Italian mafia who are currently in Russia. They are not our friends and we are not theirs. Your movements are restricted to this room unless I say otherwise and for the love of God, please eat something." He really thinks I will listen to anything he just said?

"We are not the Italian mafia, you are. And you can't seriously plan on keeping me locked up in this room all by myself."

"Watch me."

"You've lost a lot of blood. If you don't stay put and eat something to get that lost blood, you'll push your organs to the limit and you'll die." I said as I walked out of the bathroom with a towel, cleaning my hands. He stood with his hand on the doorknob and his back to me. "You should be on bed rest for a few days."

"I'll take my chances." I noticed that he had changed into a new black ensemble suit. How are his movements so swift? I walked around the huge room and behind one of the curtains, I found a door. I thought it was a balcony door but it was locked so I couldn't open it. I brought my phone and started looking through my pictures. Every video with Franco at my place. My videos with Leo at his place or whenever we travelled. These were my family members. Leo, Franco, they were the ones I would miss. Oh God! My business! I was just there, brooding and I decided to take a shower. I was tired and sweaty so this was well earned. I took off my clothes and went into the bathroom. This bathroom was large! This could be someone's room AND bathroom! I turned the shower on and I just stood there as the hot water poured all over my body. I could feel my muscles relax instantly.

I just stood there as the water washed it all away. The hurt, the pain, my problems. I was there for about an hour and then I stepped out of the shower. Every single thing in here was black, even the towels! I reluctantly grabbed one, wrapped it around myself and went back to the room. Then I realised that I had nothing to wear. The room was too cold to stay in the towel so I raided his closet until I found black joggers and a huge black t-shirt. The joggers were too big so I had to make due with just the shirt and it looked like an oddly short gown on me. I was bored so I just went to the bed and stayed there. I was laying there, thinking about nothing when someone barged into the room. It was the security guard from the jet and he was holding Karrion up with his arms around his shoulder.

"What happened to him?" I asked as I got out of bed and helped him get Karrion to the bed. I pulled the covers aside as we got him into bed.

"He became drowsy during the meeting and when he got up to leave, he almost passed out." It's the blood! I told him to stay put.

"It's fine, I'll take it from here. Just get me some bottles of water, lots of fruit, fresh fruit juice and some blood tonic cookies." He looked at me like I was crazy and he stood his ground.

"I only take orders from my boss." Is he serious?!

"You won't have a boss anymore if you keep standing here! And as you can see, he is in no condition to be giving out orders! So will you get me what I need or will I tell your boss what happened after I get the items myself?!" He looked between Karrion and I nervously before he quickly walked out of the room. "Ok...Karrion, I'm going to need you to not say anything but just raise your index finger if you feel pain ok?"

"You...can't...tell...me what...to ...do." Is he serious?! I should probably let him die. The guard returned with every item and then he left. Now, it's time to get him to eat. I took his jacket off and then his shirt. The bandage was still clean so that's good. I took off his shoes and left him only in his trousers.

"You need to sit up. Can you do that?" He nodded and I helped him sit up on the bed. I poured him a fresh glass of orange juice and he started acting like a child. "Karrion, you need to take it so you can start getting your vitamins back. You need to get your energy back."

"I'm fine flower. I just need to get back to work. It's cute that you care about me though."

"You're my only way out of here so I can't let you die. So please Karrion, just take the damn juice." He eyed me before he took the juice. Glass after glass of beet juice, orange juice, carrot juice, you name it. I made sure he was filled up on the juices before we started the blood tonic cookies drama.

"I don't care what you do but there is no way I'm eating those disgusting things!"

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