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"oh y/n, what have you gotten yourself into?"

a woman comes over the PA system.
"players, you will be playing red light, green light. you are allowed to move forward when "it" shouts out green light. stop when "it" shouts red light. if your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated. if you cross the finish line within the five minute play time, you will pass this round. with that, let the game begin!"

the doll turns around and says "green light" and you start moving. one guy runs, but a light jog works fine for you. the doll suddenly shouts out "red light!" and spins back around. the man who was running had a hard time stopping and wobbled around. the PA system came back on and announced something.

"player 324, eliminated."

there is a loud bang and 324 flops onto the ground. (so does your stomach). everybody just stares in shock, all thinking the same thing. "oh. my. god."

~time skip to after red light green light~

you sit in the dorms shocked at what you just witnessed. you felt sick. literally. you felt like you were about to vomit. you jumped out of bed and went to the door to ask to use the restroom. "excuse me, can i use the restroom please?" you ask. the triangle behind the door looks at you like you're stupid. "i don't have the energy for this right now. go get me a superior please." the triangle disappeared and returned a minute later with a certain guard who may or may not have had a square on his mask. yep, it's him. he spoke to the triangle. 

"next time 333 asks to use the restroom, let her in."
he demands and slaps him on the back of the head. "i'm sorry sir." the triangle trembles. you're just standing there confused. the square opens the door and lets you in. you have major butterflies and you're definitely blushing. as you two walk to the restroom, the guard puts his hand on your waist and walks faster, which you assume means he wants you to walk faster too. butterflies again. as you reach the restroom, he opens the door for you and says something. "five minutes. any longer and i'll come in there and take you out myself." you're surprised and reply "jeez, okay. bossy much." (no shit he's the manager) before you open the door, you're forced against the wall. it's the guard, you're boxed in.
"i would lose the attitude, 333. if you don't, then i'll make you." he tells you. then he lets you go and says "five minutes." you obey, mumbling "yes sir." and entering.

~time skip to after you used the restroom~

it's silent as you two walk back to the dorm. before you open the door, the guard grabs your wrist.
"remember what i said earlier. i'm not playing around."
"yes sir."
you head back to your bed and try to get some sleep, but to no avail. after what just happened, you can't seem to shake the butterflies.

you awake to classical music, and the breakfast announcement. you hobble out of bed and get into line for your food. as you grab it, you look up and realize who's looking at you: the square from last night. just to mess around a bit, you flash him a quick wink and a smile before waltzing away. today's breakfast is a wrapped pastry and white milk.
you're not very hungry, but eat anyway, knowing you'll regret it if you don't.
as you open your pastry, you see something small and pink on the bottom of it. you take it and move to your bed where nobody is around. you unfold the note and see one symbol: a triangle. "what the hell..?" you whisper. you have a funny feeling of who might have left this note. you stuff it in your pocket and continue to eat. after you're done, the woman comes over the PA again.
"players, the next game is about to begin. please swiftly make your way to the game hall."
you gulp.

as you enter the game hall, you're confused. it was brightly colored with huge pieces of playground equipment. there are four shapes on the wall: circle, triangle, star and umbrella. "players, welcome to the second game. please take a moment to choose one of the shapes on the wall. once you have chosen your shape, stand in front of it and await further instructions." the woman on the PA says. as you're trying to decide which shape to choose, your mind goes back to the note. "wait a second..was he trying to..help me?" you think. after a moment of hesitation, you line up in front of the triangle.
"players, the time to select your shape has ended. please take one tin from the staff member in front of you. today's game is sugar honeycombs. the shape you have chosen is the shape you must extract. if your shape breaks or cracks, you will be eliminated. with that, let the game begin!" she announces. the doors open, and the line begins to move. you're surprised to see your square guard handing out the tins. when it's your turn, he grabs one that was set off to the side. "that's weird. whatever." you think. you take a seat under the slide and open your tin. you are completely shocked with it's contents.

a note along with a perfectly carved out triangle.
the note read:
"you're welcome. - ▫️"
a wave of relief washes through you. you got to see another day. after pretending to carve out your shape for a moment, you present it to a triangle guard. he nods and after a second you hear those three magic words:
"player 333, passed."
as you start to leave with the triangle guard, the square guard comes up to you both.
"i'll escort 333 back to the dorm, you stay here and eliminate the rule-breakers." he says sternly.
"yes sir." triangle replies.
you and the square guard exit the game room and into the trippy staircase.
but then...

player 333; square guard x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now