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quick a/n:)
thank you SO MUCH for 200 reads!! i didn't expect to get more than 10 to be honest so even though it's a small number i'm still so grateful. thank you. i love you all <3

i'm not comfortable writing smut yet so there's going to be an implied smut scene, you can imagine ur own scene and make it go any way you like, sorry about this! thanks for understanding <3 ly

"oh my god, he's jealous."

he drags you towards the front of the room and starts to talk to another guard. you're just standing there.
"cover for me, i need to teach 333 a lesson." he says sternly to a triangle guard. the triangle simply nods his head. you try to mouth "help me" to him, but he pays no attention.
"damn it" you mumble.
"what was that?" h/n stops suddenly and turns around, he raises your arm (he's still clutching your wrist) and pins it against the wall. his face (or should i say his mask) gets very close to your face.

"n-nothing.." you tremble.
"good" he whispered. he lets your arm down and continues to drag you along. you finally reach the same room you were pushed into earlier. you recognize it because of the broken security camera.

he slams the door shut and takes his mask down. you're getting deja-vu from earlier in the day.

you try to talk, but before you can get a word out his hand flies to your mouth. "shut up. don't say a word." he says.
"what the fuck was that out there? he snarls. you already know what he's talking about.
"what do you mean?" you pout and say in an innocent voice. you're already screwed (quite literally) so you may as well have some fun with it.

"you know exactly what i'm talking about."

"no, i don't" you reply innocently.

he gets more frustrated and pushes you against the wall. "don't think i didn't see you and that slimeball 218 all over each other tonight"
(a/n i didn't mention this before bc this is kiiinda off the top of my head lols but you and him kiiiinda flirted back n forth, u did it to mess w h/n. sorry)

"okay, maybe i did flirt with him a little bit. what are you going to about it?" you teased. (little did u know, this would be a choice you would regret 0-0)

"what am i going to do about it? oh, you'll see. you're not getting out of this easily, princess." he tells you. a shiver goes down your spine and you feel your cheeks turn pink.

he laughs slightly, he noticed your pink face.
"too bad i can't publicly claim you as mine, but i can still mark you." he whispers to you. (a/n i'm so sorry this sounds creepy😭)

he kisses your lips and goes down your neck, being sure to leave very distinct marks. he pulls away and says one word.


~after, here just imagine a scene that goes however u want b/c im not comfortable writing those yet 🥴 sorry!~

you guys are walking back silently (he's walking, you're limping) before you reach the door he stops you.
"do you think 218 could do that to you, princess?" he asks.
"no, sir." you reply back.
"good." he tells you. he kisses you quickly (through the mask) and sends you back, still limping.

you walk back into a bloodbath. there are dead players being carried out and blood stains on the floor. thank god you missed that.

asahahjanegaa i'm so sorry!!!! this is cringey but if you did like it please consider voting and commenting! it helps a lot. i love you so much <3
please eat and drink today, you deserve it. i'm proud of u

player 333; square guard x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now