Chapter 15

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Kens called Hetty that she had secured the target and the next thing we knew, we were escorting her to the incineration room, with the huge incinerator which took up three quarters of the room.

'Sorry. This was the only available spot.' Hetty met us there.

'Never mind. She deserved it.' Ziva was really hotheaded, to be honest.

'I'll seal it. There is no way out here.' And we all know that this is false. There was a secret exit somewhere in the room.

'I'll stay with her.' I volunteered. 'This way, she wouldn't have a chance to escape.'

'You sure?' Kens asked.

'Yes. I'm sure.'

'All right. Take care of yourself. And her.'

'Gee thanks.' I replied, thankful for their care.

'Wait. You should take this.' Hetty handed me something folded.

'Haz-Mat suit? Really? Is that necessary!'

'Yes. She might be the first case. And a Hail Mary.'


'Welcome! Take care!' The gang said well before I got stuck inside. It turns out that I should've regretted it. The girl was a chatterbox.

'Do you know that it is against the laws that you should keep me here? I can go out, fight my way out if I have to.'

Not if you're a flight risk or a person at a risk of getting a disease. I wrote. I wasn't in the mood of speaking.

'So what! I have the right to leave.'

Yes. And I'm risking my life to stay here with you! I wrote again.

'So what? I can go out. I don't care a damn about you. I should just go now.'

Door is locked.
'You're not taking any chances with me, right?'


'Fine. I'll stay here until someone comes.'

Ok. I packed my pen and notepad back into my pocket.

'Done. CVC's here.' Kensi unlocked the door in a Haz-Mat suit. Someone in full 'armour' stormed in and stuffed us in airtight chamber.

'You ok?' I heard Kensi ask me through the chamber.

I gave her a thumbs up.

'Good. They're good to go.' I was stuffed in a seperate car with from the girl. Kens and Deeks had volunteered to say with me.

'You ok?'

Yes. I signed.

'What is she doing?'

'She's signing in ASL, Deeks. And you're an idiot.'

'I can't read that and it doesn't mean that I am an idiot.'

'Good point.'

Did she reveal something? Anything? She signed back.

I shook my head.

'She said that the girl didn't reveal anything.' There was an itch in my throat and I started to cough.

You ok?

Yes, I'm fine.

'We're here.' A paramedic said, while the car stopped.

'Thanks.' Deeks said and the paramedic wheeled me in with Kens and him at my side.

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