Chapter 5

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He told me that I was gonna need rest, as it was almost 10, and I had to wake up at a regular basis, just like I did at the orphanage.

I fell into a deep sleep right after he was gone.

And when I reopened my eyes, I was at a place which I've never went to, or had memories of. It was an abandoned piece of land, rugged land. It felt rocky, and if I had driven a car across it, I would've had motion sickness. And I also saw three silhouettes around fifty feet away from me, their faces not known to me, as their backs were facing me.

I heard screams. And villainous laughter. My instincts told me to run, or save those three people, and I just followed the second option that my gut had given me.

I dashed towards the three people, and two of them were on the floor, writhing, and obviously in pain. And the other was standing. I seemed to be invisible to the third persons, the only one standing. I rushed to the two on the ground, and attempted to offer aid, but I just couldn't. And there was a familiar sensation, a tingling sensation when I know that something bad is about to happen.

And I stared onto the ghostly pale faces of my mum. And dad.

This was when I just couldn't stand it anymore. Then I snapped back into consciousness.

My parents didn't die in a car crash. They were murdered in cold blood. I need vengeance! I'm gonna kill who's responsible for this! The man with the ski mask! I'm coming after your blood!

The signal of my clock broke my chain of thoughts. It was exactly six. I've been thinking about the dream images that I've seen for more than an hour. Great.

I got up, and prepared myself for the day. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. A boring one? A one full of events?

I had no idea what was in for me.

I stared at my electric timetable that I've been handed on the moment that I stepped foot on the campus, great.

Another form of torture. Dusting the scene for evidence and forensic evidence, well, not exactly that, the 'crime scene' was in the garage, and it wasn't a scene at all. Just a car. The next thing I needed, some peaceful thing to contrast with my raging mind.

I nearly lost all my patience. There were supposed to be an assessment, and I have to say, I might've failed it. Luckily someone did even worse than me. I just couldn't bear the though that I would be embarrassed on my first day at the academy. I landed in the last three of the class. Not bad, out of 20.

Then, hand to hand combat. Finally something for me to let my feelings out.

I was assigned to a person in protective gear. A larger size, the s size, not like how the beginners started, the xs size. I had to use anything that I had on hand and try and repel the man that was running towards me, dressed like an overly-fat penguin. I had only my fists, and there were grass around me. Grass! That's it! Why hadn't I though of that before! Grass is the most sturdy in the world of botany!

I dodged, not taking the initiative to attack, and the mentors and classmates of mine all had a confused face on. They just didn't know what I was about to do. And they thought that I wasn't oblivious of the time limit. I was.

I dodged, and crawled. I also pulled up a few handfuls of grass, and wove them into a long object. And the people's faces were even more confused than before. I heard some whispers of 'what the heck is she doing?' 'Is she nuts?'.

Ha. Luckily for the lessons, weaving, botany at the orphanage, the ones that I've always paid attention in, I knew how to weave a deadly weapon. I did so by weaving and securing the strands of grass and making them into a nunchakus like object for me to swing. And by combing the ripped piece of my jeans, I managed to make the weapon. The man was bulky due to the protective suits that he was wearing, which made him resemble a penguin.

I also used the advantage that I was the smallest and the youngest of the whole crew, and I successfully slid under the man, and tripped him, by tangling the rope of grass that I had made.

They finally knew what I was attempting to do. I had defeated the man in the protective suit, not by brawn, but by brain. By choosing a strategy that I would benefit from, I had changed their views on me.

The last days of training past. From the person who had always been the last in classes, I had successfully morphed into the person who was admired by others. There were people, adults, some that I didn't even know of, coming and congratulate me, and I had the well earned nickname of MacGyver. They must've heard of my legacy. From the abandoned kid, I was the kid that everyone wanted to steal a look at, and even touch.

And after months, after finishing the course, I graduated from the Academy with flying colours. And I did indeed get accepted into the LA team. And Officer Foa let his promise. I got to be a field agent, directly promoted. And I was on the major team, with the elites. I didn't ever thought about it in my wildest dreams!

Actually, it came as a shock when I stepped foot on the LA office. It was quite weird. There was a slight shock to me. When I entered the building on the verge of collapsing, the interior was completely fine, not a brick was out of place, and there was a second floor, with black coverage.

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