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and Melchior had an interesting relationship. The man was... special. He wasn't exactly the easiest person to be around - especially considering he was a demon - but at least he was around, which was more than could be said for most of Solace's 'family.'

Before Mel, Solace didn't eat much, if not at all some days. He would teleport into the house every morning and drag the human out of bed, then somehow persuade him to whip something up for both of them. Then he would proceed to get him dressed and ready for work. It was obnoxious at first, but Solace quickly became grateful for the demon's interventions.

After their first encounter, Solace hadn't wished for anything else. All he'd ever wanted was some peace of mind, and somehow the demon was giving him just that. He didn't offer him some quick fix magic spell, but was taking the time to truly help him, which seemed a little out of character for Mel considering all the gruesome adventures in the demon world he would tell Solace about.

But, most importantly, he would listen. Whether it was Solace trying to speak but barely being able to formulate sentences because of his trembling, or the human simply ranting about how he likes his milk before his cereal.

Mel made him feel seen. Like he mattered. He made him feel loved. He hadn't felt like that in a very long time, and even though it'd been around four months now, he was still trying to get used it.

The Voice was fading, he was getting better, and that's all that mattered.

Out of the blue, things had also improved tons financially. He'd quickly risen through the ranks and gotten promoted to manager at work. The old joint had gotten sold over to a huge company and with the new funds, Solace had been able to completely turn it around in a short amount of time. The food was amazing. The decor was immaculate. The staff was awesome. Business was booming, and so was his paycheck.

Though he wasn't ready to talk about her yet, his mother would've been proud.

Solace hummed along to his favourite Aretha song as he finished up breakfast. As soon as he set the second plate down, he felt the fold in space appear behind him, and in stepped Mel.

"Morning, sugar," he greeted as he strut himself to his seat. In his bathrobe... as always. "Strawberry pancakes, wow. You know me so well." He blew him the usual kiss he does when he's about to bite into anything strawberry-flavoured.

"Sorry I couldn't come over last night," Mel started as he stuffed his face, as always, "The rogues are honestly the most obnoxious thing ever. And that's saying a lot, coming from me, considering I'm no doubt single-handedly the most obnoxious person out there. I mean, I had to sit and talk strategy in a cramped room all day yesterday with His Majesty because he 'didn't want anyone overhearing sensitive information.' If it was any more dark, wet, and tight in there I'd think I was in your ass."

"God, you're gross." Solace got up from his seat and threw his food in the fridge.

"Aw, come on, I was just kidding."

"Nope. Don't talk to me."

Solace grabbed his keys, bag, jacket, and made his way out of the house. When he got into his car, Mel was already sitting inside waiting for him. Stupid demons and their stupid teleporting.

"Don't you have a bunch of dishes waiting for you to wash?" the human scolded.


"Well, you're not going anywhere with me in that bathrobe, Mel."

The demon snapped his fingers, and the pink bathrobe was promptly replaced with his go-to whenever Solace insisted he don't embarrass him in public: a baby blue button down and black slacks, each complimenting his figure in their own way.

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 (𝐦𝐱𝐦𝐱𝐦)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang