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"Hima. Why did you say that to her?"

"Huhhh, Miko why should we speak to those lower then dirt itself"

Mikoto and Himawari were at a playground in elementary school and one of their classmates had gone over to Himawari to introduce herself since she was new to the class and she extremely powerful.

"What's your esper level" Himawari asked

"Uhhhh... level 2" she replied

Himawari scoffed "I can't waste my time with those lower then dirt itself" She then turned around and walked away from her leaving the girl in tears.

"Hima!" Miko shouted

"Miko I know what your going to say and why are you encouraging me to make friends with weaklings and peasants" she turned and flatly answered. "Hima. They're our classmates... how long are you going to let what she said control you."

"MIKO DON'T BRING HER UP" Himawari screamed "You don't understand the feeling of being cast off into a corner. You're everyone's golden girl everyone loves you. But guess what as of right now I don't!" Himawari ripped off the necklace she was wearing which had a jade pendant and shoved it into Mikoto's hands and ran off.


3rd POV

Misaka was sitting at a table with Uihara, Kuroko and Saten as she explained Himawari's background.

"So why does she look down on people with lower levels then her" Saten asked

Misaka frowned "When Himawari was in elementary school with me she was very close friends with a certain girl. Himawari's parents were very wealthy... extremely rich. That's why when her parents passed Himawari's parents trusted her closest friend and parents with some of the money to help her manage it. Eventually Himawari discovered the girl was just using their friendship for her own personal gain because Himawari was a level 5 and had rich parents. The girl admitted to not caring at all about Himawari and later on that day her parents stole the money that was entrusted with them. This broke Himawari so much that she cried for hours straight on a roof" Misaka paused

"That's when I met her for the first time"Misaka added

"After i introduced myself she quickly opened up to me telling me almost everything. For the next week I spent my days trying to comfort her until one day I went to see her I could tell she had been skipping meals. I tried comforting her, but I saw her eyes became filled with hatred when she told me-"Misaka cut off remembering the situation

Mikoto POV

"You're right it's not my fault it's the dirty, worthless bitch's fault" Himawari stammered

I stumbled back afraid of meeting her hard and darkening gaze 'Scary' I thought. "Miko" I looked back at her confused. "Oh, sorry I thought that might be a cute nickname" she looked away from me pouting. 'She's like a puppy' I laughed "Yea I think it is. You call me Miko and I'll call you Hima" I responded

"Well then it's set in stone me and you are besties now" She stood up and walked towards me and extended her pinky "pinky promise"she added while blushing. I felt my face start to heat up as well when I extended my pinky and our fingers touched.

"Yea we'll be friends forever" I said but I had no idea what was to happen in the future

"During that year she was being bullied at school everyday by her old friend and her friends. She refused to use her esper powers against her even though I know she hated her. I reported that she was being bullied to teachers, but they didn't care and ignored it. I knew she was a level 5 but I had no idea what her powers were since I was yet to ever see her use them. Until one day we were walking home together. We ran into her old friend and their group on the way home. They pushed Himawari to the ground and when attempted to do the same to me she snapped"


Mikoto POV

Hima sprang up and dashed towards them sweeping them off their feet. "You know I attempted to let what you did go and move on. I don't care what you do to me, but if you dare to bring Miko into it I won't be merciful." She added darkly

She reached into her pockets and pulled out two rubber gloves and put them on she then pulled out a test tube. She poured the substance all over her gloves and when I smelled it I could tell what it was. 'Gasoline' I thought. The girls looked terrified what "are you doing" they screamed it was too late though. Purple sparks of lightning started to appear around her. She grabbed me and pulled me behind her. "Miko stay behind me it's gonna get dangerous" she added with smile to me. She snapped her fingers creating explosion after explosion one after another till all 3 of them were nothing but ash remains."


She was caught and arrested later on that day, but they didn't hold her in any juvenile detention center and released her later the same day and just made her go to a science lab to have her tests done to examine her mentally. She never told me about what happened everytime she went and whenever I asked her she would just try to change the subject. Eventually she stopped going to school for a week and only came to walk with me home from school. She got in trouble with one of her legal guardians and was forced to start going to school again or they would make it so that she never saw me again. She started going back to school and her grades were outstanding. Top of the class level outstanding, but her hatred for those of lowers status grew. She believed The strong should step on the weak and in order to make sure no one ever stepped on her again she stepped on every single person she met. Her esper power which that was rightfully nicknamed Discharge, it was never explained if it originated from the electromaster ability, but she used electrostatic reactions. Which is why she uses rubber gloves and gasoline to make her explosions. Whenever she created friction with her electrostatic force there would be a different reaction dependent on the materials. She could also cause lighting from the sky to fall which is why she named her strongest limit breaker technique Raikiri the lighting cutter."


Misaka POV

"I no longer could support her actions and I tried to convince her to stop bullying those with lower levels then her, but she refused and ripped off the jade pendant we both had and I never saw her again after that day"

"After we broke up as friends she transferred schools and I was sent a letter in the mail telling me she had died I went to her funeral though the body was never shown. There were few people there anyways. I never thought I would see her again. Until today" Misaka finished

"Onee-sama does her power rival yours. Now?" Kuroko asked with her gaze unwavering

"Without a doubt" Misaka responded without flinching. "But I know deep down she's not a bad person at all" Misaka continued on "She just needs someone to help her change"


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