Chapter 1

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(Zane's P.O.V.)

"Marinette, are you sure you want to move to America? What about Paris and hawkmoth" I asked as I grabbed her hand. I knew she didn't want to move out of Paris though she had her reason and it was a good one as well. "Zane I don't want to leave it's just I can't let them find out especially if Gabriel found out" Marinette said as she finished packing her bag. "I can not stop you from leaving" I said as I looked at the ground. "No you can't Zane I already made up my mind that I wanted to leave before I even told you" Marinette replied. "She isn't wrong Zane, she knew the consequences of what could happen if she stayed in Paris and Gabriel found out" Tikki said in an upset tone. Marinette took her Miraculous off and tried to hand it to me. "Zane, please take my miraculous since I will no longer be in Paris. I can't be Ladybug," Marinette said as tears flowed down her face. "No, I may be the guardian though I will never take your miraculous back from you. Besides you're going to need Tikki by your side she will be with you every step of the way. I will as well. I'll visit you as often as I can alright" I said as I slipped something into her bag when she turned around. That day happened four years ago. Now I miss her with every day that passed and told nobody why she left for America. All I kept telling them was that she moved to start her fashion empire. Though I lied that wasn't the only reason she left for America she also left because she was having Adreinds child. "Zane is everything alright I thought you would be excited to see your cousin after four years of her being in America" Rylie asked in a concerned tone. I tightened my grip on her hand which made her even more worried than she was already. "Zane please calm down Marinette is fine you talked to her almost every day after school" Uncle Tom said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Still I've kept a secret for four years from everyone I cared about and lied about the real reason she went to America '' I said as I fell to my knees. Tears started to fall down my face. I had lied to everyone including my own family about the real reason Marinette went to America. "I'm sorry I lied to all of you. I just could never get myself to break my promise for why Marinette left" I said as I handed my Miraculous to Rylie. "Zane, it's so good to see you again after all this time," Marinette said as she ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and even more tears fell down my face as I could finally release a burden on my heart. We pulled away from our hug and that's when I noticed her child hiding behind Marinette nervous to come out of hiding. "Hello Hugo, it's been a while since we last saw each other on the phone, '' I said as I got down on one knee. It took him a second to realise who I was and once he did he ran towards me and hugged me. Hugo had his mothers blue eyes and his fathers blond hair. "Marinette, who is this child you have with you?" Aunt Sabine asked in a confused voice. "Mom, Dad there's a lot that we need to talk about so let's head back to the bakery" Marinette said as I picked up Hugo. I opened the door to the bakery and was hit with the smell of bread and deserts. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth all those years ago. I just didn't want to accept the answers I would be given. Which is why I also only told Zane about Hugo all those years ago" Marinette said as she picked Hugo up. "Who is the father of this child Marinette?" Uncle Tom asked in anger. "Adrien Agrest child" I said as I grabbed Rylie's hand. Both my Aunt and Uncle looked at me with anger and disappointment for what I had said. "I'm sorry Mom and Dad, I just couldn't find a way to tell you about Hugo that's why I left Paris. Besides I'm also only back for a couple weeks anyway to help Zane move places with Rylie '' Marinette said in despair. "Where sorry for keeping such a big secret from all of you we just knew what would happen if Gabrieal ever found out about Hugo '' I said as I held my mothers locket in my hands. The locket I carried on me at all times was something that reminded me of what my father took from me. I had been robbed from the right of having my mother at my side. Though sadly Hugo lost his right to have his father by his side. We were two sides of the same coin. I lost my mother and Hugo would never meet his father. "Why must this world be so full of evil, why must humans always rob children of their families. Why can't children just live normal lives and grow up living with loving parents'' I said as a tear flowed down my cheek. "Welcome back Revenge. I am Shadow Moth and I am giving you the power to get revenge on the ones that wrongfully mistreat children. All I ask in return are Ladybug, Chat Noir, Tigeret and Fang's Miraculous" Shadow Moth said. "Consider it done Shadow Moth my first target will be Gabriel Agrest for the way he treats Adrien '' I said as I stood up. I quickly jumped out of the window, breaking it and ran towards the Agrest Mansion.

(Rylie's P.O.V.)

"Zane why is it always you that must experience these kinds of things why can't you just live in this world without pain and suffering. I said as I stood up. "Mommy do you need to go save Zane as Ladybug '' Hugo said with the biggest grin on his face. "Yes I do need to go and save Zane, his pain is always being manipulated by Hawk Moth. Tikki spots on '' Marinette said and she transformed into Ladybug. I put Zane's Miraculous on and Emerald flew up to my side. "It looks like were also needed Emerald and Tigeret unify" I said and both of them transformed me into Tiger Wolf. "Are you ready to fight side by side again Tigeret" Marinette said. "Yes I am now we need to save Zane I'll call Chat Noir and see if he's on his way" I said as I jumped out the window. I quickly called Chat and he was already on his way to fight the akuma meaning that all we had to do was make it in time to help. "Ladybug, I think I know where the akuma is. Zane always carries a locket with a picture of his mother and uncle in it. The locket is always in his pocket though before I saw he was akumatized I saw he was holding it in his hand" I said as I looked at the miraculous wolf on my arm. "Thank you Tigeret this will be useful information this way we can easily fight without worrying about where the akuma is" Marinette replied. "Why hello my Lady it's been four years since the last time we saw each other" Chat said in a playful tone. "You haven't changed much since we last saw each other," Marinette replied with a laugh. "Alright you two we need to save Zane so we need to figure out a plan. "Alright then Lucky Charm" Marinette said and a pillow fell from the sky. "What are we supposed to do with a pillow other than take a nap?" I asked. I quickly turned towards the Agrest Mansion and saw Zane trying to break in. "Tigeret try the creation charm with the wolf miraculous" Marinette said. "Alright Creation charm" I said and I got a lasso. Marinette started to look around and came up with a plan that would work to stop Zane. I handed the lasso to Chat Noir and jumped down in front of Zane, preventing him from trying to get into the mansion. "Stop Revenge there's no reason to attack the Agrest Mansion" I said as I stood in a fighting stance. I was no match for Zane. He was an amazing fighter and could easily defeat me. He launched an attack at me and I was barely able to get out of the way in time. "Fine if you want to play like that Wolf Bite" I said and I destroyed his sword. This prompted Marinette to throw down her pillow and Chat Noir to use the lasso and pull Zane to the ground. "I'm not going to lose to you hero's not today not any day" Zane said as he tried to escape. I froze him in time preventing him from trying to break free and Chat Noir destroyed his locket. I grabbed the akuma and released it back into the world, freeing it from Shadow Moths control.

A little bug (With wolf Miraculous) (Miraculous Ladybug fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now