"You shouldn't have done that look at yourself" Nayeon suddenly blurted out making Jeongyeon look at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Nayeon sighed looking at Jeongyeon so she immediately looked at their sandals that were facing to each other.

"That guy will just leave me alone after a while" Nayeon paused for a while afraid what Jeongyeon might react later, she took a deep breath.

"You shouldn't let yourself get in trouble" Nayeon said almost a whisper but she didn't hear any response from Jeongyeon she only heared a deep sigh.

There was silence in between them for a minute then it was broken when Jeongyeon squeezes her hand then she looked up just to be met with a pair of almond shaped eyes. Jeongyeon was looking at her with a concern look in her face.

"I just couldn't sit there looking at how he perverted hit on you" Jeongyeon said in a soothing voice that Nayeon could feel herself floating in cloud9. God how can she do this to me.

"Let's go to a convenience store" Nayeon said starting to walk again her hands still on Jeongyeon's arms while Jeongyeon was just following Nayeon wherever she was planning to take her.

When they arrived at 7/11 Nayeon gestured Jengyeon to just sit outside because there was a bench there. Nayeon looked one last time to Jeongyeon then she went inside the store.

"Goodevening" Nayeon greeted the cashier that was in the counter and when the cashier looked up to her, shocked was evidence in her face and Nayeon could only giggle at that.

"What should I buy" Nayeon looked each product then she took a cotton, betadine and a band-aid. When she was done picking she then went to the cashier then she looked at the person who was sitting properly outside the store.

Jeongyeon was peacefully sitting at the bench and Nayeon could feel something touched her heart remembering how Jeongyeon protected her earlier.

"That would be 2644.54 won maam" Nayeon then snapped out of her thought then she took her card in her pouch.

"Thank you have a nice day Ms. Im" the cashier bowed to her then Nayeon also bowed to her before leaving the place.

"Hey are you cold?" Nayeon asked as she sees Jeongyeon who was rubbing her hands then the latter looked at her then a smile escaped in her lips.

"Kind of" Jeongyeon said then she scoot over to give Nayeon some space to sit on. Nayeon immediately puts the things in between them then she took a little amount of cotton then she opened the cup of betadine then she poured a small amount of it to the cotton.

"Look at me" Nayeon commanded and Jeongyeon automatically tilt her head to face Nayeon. Slowly Nayeon cleaned her fresh cut and Jeongyeon will flinched every second the cotton touched her lip because it stings.

"Done" Nayeon said after cleaning the cut in her lips then she cleaned the mess and Jeongyeon was focused looking at her. The way her hair sways with the cold wind and how her hands softly and carefully put the mess in the paper bag and Jeongyeon's breath hitched when Nayeon looked at her and both of them were staring eye to eye.

"Nayeon" Jeongyeon said in a soft voice and Nayeon knows the tension that has been building up since they first drink in the bar and it was really getting hard to ignore. The want to taste those plump lips is spinning in Nayeon's mind also adding that she cleaned those lips earlier.

No one dared to break the eye contact and just how close their bodies are right now. They're aware of what they are doing but the pleasure, the want to taste each other is tempting them. Maybe it's because of the alcoholic drink that they become intimate to each other but they know in themselves that they're starting to sober up.

But just the way Jeongyeon flickered between Nayeon's eyes and lips sends a signal to the latter that she understand what the latter want. So she leaned closer to Jeongyeon's face she could already smell the tequila that Jeongyeon drank a while ago.

Nayeon could feel her eyes closing as she waits for their lips to join when suddenly they hear a ringtone which causes them to stop and Nayeon backed away blushing, she could see beside her Jeongyeon who was blushing hard just like her while she was talking someone on the phone the one who interrupted them. She could feel her heart beating loudly and she was breathing heavily. God she forgot to breath awhile ago.

"Yeah she's with me" Jeongyeon said looking at Nayeon then she averted her gaze at the passing car. Nayeon's mind was filled of thoughts that she didn't hear Jeongyeon was calling her.

"Nayeon" Jeongyeon tapped her shoulder then Nayeon was snapped out of her thought. Jeongyeon was already standing infront of her. She could still feel the awkwardness that surrounds them because of what almost happened earlier.

"Sana said she already brought Jihyo to her condo because she's already drunk" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon was just looking at her quietly not knowing what to speak.

"Ahm did you bring your car?" Nayeon just shook her head indicating that she didn't bring her Porsche. She saw how Jeongyeon breath heavily then she looked at the surrounding looking for something.

"I'll take you home" Jeongyeon said shocking Nayeon. What did she brought her own car?

"Uhm it's already midnight and something dangerous might happen if I let you go home by yourself" Jeongyeon immediately said after seeing Nayeon who's face was shocked.

'Uhm maybe I said the wrong thing' Jeongyeon thinks holding her nape then she saw how Nayeon's eyes softened.

"You don't have to Jeong. I can go home by myself" Nayeon taking the paper bag then she stands up walking closely to Jeongyeon and Jeongyeon could feel her heart starting to beat faster again. God I almost kissed her earlier.

"There's no bus it's already midnight" Jeongyeon said when she saw Nayeon who was looking at the highway

Nayeon looked at her then she gaves up. Now both of them were walking side to side without breaking the silence. Nayeon was still embarrassed about what almost happened to them earlier and so was Jeongyeon.

But Nayeon still enjoyed this moment, them walking alone in a quiet road it was kinda awkward but they didn't bother opening up about that incident.

She stole a glance at Jeongyeon who was wearing an unreadable emotion, as if she was lost in her own thoughts then she didn't realized they already arrived infront of Nayeon's condo.

"Thank you" Nayeon said after how many minutes of them being quiet she initiated to talk then Jeongyeon was snapped out of her thought, her eyes looks at Nayeon's then to her building.

"I should go now" Jeongyeon said bowing to Nayeon then she turned her back away from Nayeon and she was starting to walk away. Not saying anything Nayeon could feel how the latter was shy that she couldn't even make eye contact to her.

And there Nayeon was just staring at Jeongyeon's back, her feet frozen in place like she just couldn't leave that place so she did what her mind said.

"Ms. Yoo!" Jeongyeon's gazes at her then Nayeon immediately run towards her then she took Jeongyeon's arms and she could see how shocked Jeongyeon's face was when she hold her arm but she didn't mind.

"I have something to say" Nayeon said in a low tone and Jeongyeon was still looking at her mixed shocked and confused.

Nayeon was second doubting if she should say those words but there's nothing wrong if she would just say those simple words right?

"What is it Ms. Im?" Jeongyeon's voice was sending shivers down to Nayeon's body and it was added up when cold air touched their bodies.

"It's already late so please stay at my condo for the night"


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