Chapter One:

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Tommy's P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could, the screaming and crying of my parents still ringing in my ears. We were just trying to get to the cabin, but we were attacked. By vampires.

I kept running, tears streaming down my face. I knew that if I could get to the village, I would be safe. Those blood sucking demons didn't like to kill in plain sight. I could here quick footsteps coming from behind me, and I sped up, trying not to let the panic set in.

I could here whoever was chasing me gaining, so I did something that surprised us both. I turned off the main trail, and raced through the forest, branches scratching and drawing small amounts of blood on my face.

I quickly found a burrow. It was big enough for me to hide in, but small enough where nobody would see me. I took a deep breath, before climbing into the den. I sniffed, but all I could smell was honey and bees.

I heard quick footsteps coming up to where I was, and shoved my wrist into my mouth, trying to stop my ragged breathing from being heard. 

"Where are you, child? I promise, it won't hurt. Just come on out." A voice called. I looked out the hole, and saw a figure standing there. I could tell he was in an expensive suit. He turned towards hole, and I quickly scrambled backwards, tears still streaming down my face. 

His eyes were blood red, and he had ram horns, plus the floppy goat ears. His face was sharp, and he had a clean cut beard. I heard his footsteps coming closer, and I closed my eyes, hoping that he didn't find me. 

"You may have gotten away this time, but I will find you." I heard him say. I heard his receding footsteps, and slowly let my wrist out of my mouth. Once I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, I took a deep breath, the tears still flowing down my face.

I didn't realize I was shaking. I curled up, my tail curling around my trembling legs. I didn't realize that somebody was there.

"Um... excuse me?..." A small voice said. My head shot up, and I looked around until I could see a boy in the corner, curled up much like myself. My night vision kicked in and I could tell he was a hybrid as well.

He had antennas as well as crystal clear wings on his back. His gaze held kind eyes, and he slowly approached me. I quickly wiped my tear stain cheeks, getting rid of the rest of the tears, before speaking to him.

"I'm sorry for barging in. I can go now, again, I apologize-"

"Don't go."

I sat, shocked by his words. I think that he surprised himself with that as well. He nodded his head, before turning his gaze back one me.

"Please, stay a while. I know that they were after you, and if you go now, they'll find you. Just stay here... plus, I've been wanting someone to talk to for a very long time." The bee hybrid said. I had come to the conclusion he was a bee hybrid by the antennas and the wings. And the smell of honey. 

"Thank you... my name's Tommy." I said shakily. The boy smiled at me, his eyes lighting up with hope.

"Nice to meet you Tommy, I'm Tubbo!"

"Nice to meet you too, Tubbo."

I groaned as I was shook awake. I looked over, and saw the older bee hybrid glaring at him.

"Tommy, you have to get up!" The boy groaned, before smacking me upside the head. I immediately sat up, and cradled my head.

"What the fuck Tubbo?!" I said, glaring at him. He smirked, before walking out of the room.

"C'mon, we need more food. Get up. If you fall asleep, I will not hesitate to sting you." This got me up real quick. I stretched, hearing the satisfying pops along my back. I quickly threw on my shoes, plus a cloak that we had gotten a long time ago. It was far from covering his ankles, and hung around his shins, but it still covered his face and tail. It still did the trick.

I yawned as I walked out, seeing Tubbo wearing a similar cloak, but his was longer. Perks of not growing as much.

"You ready, bossman?" Tubbo asked, turning around towards me. I grinned, and nodded. We both jumped down from the tree house that we had built years ago. We had stolen the supplies to build it, but it was all worth it. 

We made our way towards the town, the market already bustling. I glanced up and saw that the sun was almost to its peak, meaning that I slept in longer than I had intended. Tubbo and I exchanged glances, before both grinning and pulling up the hoods of their cloaks.

I disappeared into the crowd, just like Tubbo. I started to pick-pocket a bunch of people, them not noticing what was happening at all. Being a racoon hybrid had it's perks, and being a thief was one of them. 

Eventually, after gaining two rubies, an emerald, three diamonds, and countless coins, I eventually decided to go steal food now. I made my way towards the food stalls, and looked over at a baker's stall. There were steaming muffins, cookies, cakes, pies... and bread. My stomach rumbled as I looked at the bread, longingly.

I walked up to the stand, and looked around, seeing that the baker was right there, helping another customer next to me. I thought for a second, before grinning at my plan. I walked around the stand, pretending to look at the items. 

I glanced up, to see the baker still talking with the customer. Quickly, I leaned down and broke two of the legs of the table, throwing them to the ground, and walking away quickly. The whole ordeal took maybe 30 seconds, tops.

The baker whipped around when you could hear a bunch of plates crashing to the floor, and a bunch of baked goods falling to the floor. While the baker rushed over to check what happened, I quickly grabbed two muffins, shoving them in my pockets, then grabbed two loafs of bread, and turning around to walk away. 

Nobody paid me any attention as I walked away, all too focused on the now cursing baker, saying how wooden table legs were dumb as fuck. I silently laughed, and made my way towards the entrance to the forest. He got there, and saw Tubbo was already there, looking satisfied. 

"Hey Toms! What'cha got there?" Tubbo asked, looking over at the goods that I had stolen. I grinned cockily, before showing him all my loot. He grinned when he saw the muffins, immediately taking one, and walking towards the river that they both hung out at.

We got there, and immediately sat down, eating the food that I had stolen. He brought out a book, and started to teach me new words to read. I was orphaned at age 7, same with Tubbo, but he somehow managed to be able to read, while I never did, so we would spend at least three days a week, him teaching me to read.

After about an hour, we both just layed down, enjoying the sunlight. We heard a twig snap, and I quickly got up, the fur on my ears and tail rising in alert. I looked around, eyes slitted, before my gaze landed on a 6ft5 figure, slowly making his way towards us.

I relaxed and grinned.

"Wilbur, my friend!"

1286 words!!


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