"I didn't mean to enter your mind" he sighed, trying to focus on me but failing. "I'd been learning it and I guess, I don't know how, I just did it by accident".

"Look, Malfoy. I haven't been in the wizarding world for long, but can you really say you entered my mind by accident? Oh, I'm sorry I accidently read your thoughts" I sneered sarcastically.

His jaw tightened again, and his hands were morphing into fists. I swallowed hard and reluctantly stepped back from him, was he going to hurt me?

"I can't stop thinking about what you said- thought. I know I shouldn't but I am okay?"

I could feel the sting of tears around my eyes, and I needed to get out of this hallway. Back to my own dorm, anywhere but here. This was too much and I just didn't feel safe, not now that I've witnessed his angry outbursts in lessons.

"I- I can't do this right now" I shook my head, trying to delay the tears. "I just needed to give that ring back, that's it".

"Why? Why have you given it back now and not when it first happened?" he asked, his fingers were curled around the hem of his hoodie.

"It's not something you give to someone out of the blue Malfoy" I watched his eye twitch at the sound of his last name. Good. I wasn't going to be calling him Draco anymore, he lost that with me.

"It is when-"

"When you like someone, when you have a girlfriend, or you're dating someone" I interrupted. "Seeing as I am neither of those things, it's not mine to keep". I started walking back to my dorm room, not letting him get another word in. I need to forget about him, forget the feelings for him.

I climbed onto Pansy's bed and lay next to her; she was platting her hair into braids.

"I gave it back to him" I said after a moment of silence. "The necklace."

"And?" she twisted her hair under the hairband. "What did he have to say?"

"At first, not a lot. He kept trying to avoid it, not let me give it back" I watched her fingers work around the strands of hair. "I forced him to take it, he gave me no choice".

"If things resolved, would you give him a second chance?" she asked What did that even mean? I didn't realise I had been giving out his first chance.

"Even if they did, 'we' never existed. I don't exactly know what we were Pans..." I sighed. "I don't know if he even sees me any other way, no more than a friend"

"Maybe not" she threw me a pity-smile, and I crawled into the sheets of my own bed.

I spent the next week avoiding Draco, but I think he must have been avoiding me too. On Tuesday, I walked into the common room after quidditch, he saw me and walked the other way. Exactly how I reacted in that moment too, as soon as I noticed he was there. On Wednesday, I was heading up to transfiguration when he spotted me, and jumped onto a different staircase. Moving in the wrong direction, but away from each other nonetheless.

On Thursday, he packed away his book as soon as I stepped into the Library. On Friday he was nowhere to be seen for the whole day, not until I was making my way to Dumbledore's office for my tutoring session. He was leaning against the wall outside of his office, hands tucked loosely into his trouser pockets and his legs crossed at the ankles.

I kept my head down, pretending I hadn't noticed him and continued towards the door. I heard a light chuckle escape his lips as my shoulder brushed past him.

"What?" I spat, looking into his grey eyes.

"Nothing" he smirked. "Halfblood".

He knew. How the fuck did he know? I tried to keep my face as still as possible; the slightest twitch and that would be satisfying to him, knowing it affected me. I laughed, the kind that echoed around the hallway, and ascended the staircase.

𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖘 (Draco X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now