"I'm Reiji Sakamaki the second son and that's sho the first son"

He said while pointing at the guy who is lying at the couch.....

"then here's the triplets Laito, Kanato and Ayato"

Wow never had seen a vampire that always carry a teddy bear....

Nor a vampire that's wearing a goofy smile plastered at his face...

"and the youngest Subaru"

Then he pointed a guy, who is like acting cool or something...

Then the acting cool guy, I mean Subaru caught me looking at him and then he said something that made me want to kill him first...

"another trouble maker"

Oh I'm so lucky that my sister is leaving with weird vampires....

Then the so called Subaru walked out, talk about like drama queen...

"Yui please escort your sister to her room."

Asked by Reiji I mean commanded by Reiji to my sister.....

I follow my sister so I will know where my  room is....

And we stop at the door she opened the door, what in the world, are they kidding me, pink seriously, pink in all colors that they can choose is pink really necessary......

I know my sister love the color pink or other bright color but were totally opposite.........


I asked my little sister

"yes one-chan?"

She asked back

"who designed my room?"

I asked her and enter the Barbie doll house.....

"ah gomen one-chan I already said that you hate bright colors but they didn't listen and it was the triplets idea, since I like the color pink maybe you'll like it too that's what they said. Gomen one-chan"

Huh? Why is she saying sorry it's not her fault that this happened and the pink is like the shade of red so this will do.....

"don't be sorry it's not your fault sis, okay close the door so we can discuss something, and be sure to lock it"

I said and sat at the bed while Yui lock the door, then she also sat at my bed....

"one-chan what do you want to discuss with me?"

She said

"well let's talk about those vampires and the sacrificial bride thing, and in the first place why did you agree?!"

I said with a command and serious tone

"gomen one-chan, please don't kill them, and you know father also wanted me to come here, right?"

Huh this is like crap

"okay, do you know that your just adopted, sis?"

I asked and, she's trying her best not to cry but failed.

"one-chan why did father keep that a secret, do you know about this, sis?"

Huh you really out done your self Yui.....

"yes I know that he is not our real dad since were still kids and I'm just an amateur model, gomen Yui for not telling you the truth."

I said and hug her...

"oh what a beautiful sight am I seeing today bitch-chan is crying with her older sister, its making me hungry"

Said by a new comer, shit I knew that are sister moment won't last long......

I took my gun and grab his collar and pointing the gun to his head who is Laito.......

"how dare you intterup are sister bonding Laito, one click of this and you'll be gone."

I said coldly, then I can saw fear in his eyes but he hide it.

"please Asuka-san put your gun down"

Said by also the new comer Reiji...

I put my gun down and let go of Laito......

"so your the famous vampire hunter Asuka-san or should I say nightmare"


A/n: gomen minna-san for the wrong spelling and grammar.

*bows head*

Next update is soon...........


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