Chapter 04 - Reveal

Start from the beginning

"Why do you say so, Hirata? Do I need to specify these rules? Isn't it bad etiquette to use your mobile phones or talk during class? What were you taught in junior high before coming here?"

Nobody could argue back at this reasoning. It's because it was absolutely correct. We were supposed to pay attention in class. It's nothing that needs to be told repeatedly.

Chabashira-sensei continued with her verbal onslaught. She proceeded to take out a chart she had brought along with her, and hung it on the blackboard.


Class A - 960

Class B - 850

Class C - 640

Class D - 71

Class Points, huh? My hypothesis had been correct.

"Wait, there's something wrong with this chart. How can the other classes have these many points? And what exactly are these points?", Ike asked frantically.

"Quiet Ike, let me explain", sensei rebuked. "These are Class Points (CP). Each class starts with 1000 CP, and it decreases or increases depending on various factors. Your CP multiplied by 100 give you the number of Private Points (PP) each student of a class receives on the first day of the month. Your class has 71 CP. Hence, you all received 7,100 PP this month."

"But that doesn't explain why other classes have so many points!", Yamauchi practically shouted this out.

Chabashira-sensei let out one last sigh.

"Have you idiots still not figured it out? Other classes were graded in the same way. They were worth more points than you, hence they received more CP. The class system is a hierarchy. You all have been put into Class D for a simple reason.

You are all defects. Worst of the worst. That is why you are all in Class D."

The truth seemed to hit the class on their faces like a brick. The entire class fell silent, and contemplated the meaning of the situation. I, on the other hand, had decided that the birds outside my window seat were far more interesting.

Sensei pulled out another chart out of seemingly nowhere, and hung it over the previous Class Point chart. It showed the scores of our surprise test yesterday.

Looks like 80 was not a good choice. It was rather high, and I was placed 4th in class. I would've expected a school like ANHS to have a very high average score, but it looks like idiots do exist everywhere.

Kouenji had tied with Yukimura for highest score, 90 points. However, the rest of the results were far more depressing.

"Looks like we have quite a few idiots in this class", sensei said, "what were you guys even studying in junior high? If this were a real test, 7 of you would have been expelled."

The scores were more concentrated on the lower half. Ignoring Sudo, who had scored an impressive 14 points, there were several students below the 30 point line.

"Ex-ex-expelled!?", Ike screamed. He had scored 25 points, not something to be proud of in the least. "We weren't told about that!"

"Well, now you know. Anyone who scores below the passing grade in the coming midterms 2 weeks from now, will be expelled." And with that, Chabashira-sensei drew a red line above Kikuchi, who had scored 31 points. "Anyone whose score is equal to or lower than 31 points would have failed this exam. However, you will not be expelled now. The real thing starts in the midterms."

With that last jab, Chabashira-sensei dismissed homeroom, and left the class.


Another Like Me - Part I (CoTE x OC) ✔Where stories live. Discover now