Chapter 26 - Haunted Morning

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A couple days later, Dr Otogi put my arm in a sling and told me not to use it. Then he let Jyugo and I go.

Jinx & Jyugo: "We're back!"

Uno: "Rock you bastard! Don't screw with me, damn yoouu!!"

Nico: "Ah, welcome back, Jinx, Jyugo!"

Jyugo: "What're those two fighting over?"

Nico: "Seems like Uno got sleep paralysis last night, see."

Jinx: "Sleep paralysis?"

Nico: "Y'know, that thing where you can't move your body and it's really scary."

Jyugo: "Ahh, that. And? What does that have to do with their fight?"

Nico: "Right, about that. Apparently, Rock wouldn't stop cracking up when he saw. Uno's bad with scary stuff, right? So he's been mad the whole time about how Rock wouldn't help him."

Jinx: "And Rock's still laughing."

Uno: "You bastaaard, if you knew I had sleep paralysis then why the hell didn't you wake me up?!! You know I'm bad with this occult stuff, so help me out!!"

Rock: "N-no, I tried to... Pfft- help you, but... hahahaha- I was laughing too much, so I... hahaha- couldn't summon any strength... Pft hahahah-!"


Nico: "Come to think of it, Rock couldn't stop laughing when there was that poltergeist phenomenon that one time too."

Jinx: "I guess there are two types of people when it comes to horror. Those who are two scared to even look, and those who... won't stop laughing?"

Jyugo: "That kinda stuff's right up his ally for humour, I guess."

Nico: "He was laughing and pointing at totally unrelated moments when we watched that ghost movie a while back too."

Jyugo: "I kept getting startled cause he'd suddenly burst out laughing. He was honestly scarier than the program itself."

Jinx: "Whereas Uno kept pulling me under the blanket with him and hugging me like his life depended on it. He just can't handle that kinda thing at all."

Nico: "Since then, I've always wondered just what it was that Rock saw."

Rock: "Nah, my bad, my bad. It was just so funn- I mean, pitiful... I'll try to do something next time."

Uno: "Somebody like you who can burst out laughing like this is the scariest thing of all, you damn muscle brained occultist."

Jinx: "It's okay now, Uno. Sleep paralysis is like a scary dream, right? And dreams can't hurt you."

Nico: "Come to think of it, you laugh whenever it has to do with ghosts, but you don't when it's zombies or monsters, right? How come?"

Rock: "Huh? I mean, there aren't really any zombies around in reality, right?"

Uno: "Don't phrase it like there're ghosts hanging around in real life!!"

Jinx: "Are there though?"

Jyugo: "There could be. I mean, ghosts are just dead people floating around, right?"

Uno: "CUT IT OUT!!"

Nico: "There's only one way to know for sure."

He pulled out two photos. It's been a while since you've seen him so determined.

Nico: "Here I have two paranormal photos. Except one is doctored, and the other is real. We will now try to verify which is the real one."

Uno: "Huh? But those are both pictures of me! They were haunted? Stop this, I'm gonna cry."

I took his hand.

Jinx: "Wouldn't you want to know for sure?"

Uno: "No!"

Nico: "The only thing is, we can't use any scientific tools."

Jyugo raised his hand.

Jyugo: "Then how do we verify them?"

Nico: "First, we show both of these photos to Rock."

First photo, no reaction.

Nico: "Okay, in that case, if one of them is the real thing, then- AAAHHH-!!"

Second photo, Rock burst out laughing.

Jinx: "He laughed!! That's the one!! That's the real haunted picture!!"

Jyugo: "Huh, what do you know..."

Uno: "Hurry up and throw it away!! Just burn it already!!"

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