Chapter 25 - Just Between Us

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Nico: "*Yaaawn* I slept well. Morning, Jinx. Morning, Jyugo. Did you sleep well?"

He looked over to see our beds empty.

Nico: "Huh?"

He then saw us passed out on the floor.

Nico: "AAAAAAAHHHH!!! They look like they've been caught up in a self-destruct sequence!!!"

Rock: "What's up with them? They look so worn out. And Jyugo looks like he just got back from a fight somewhere."

Nico: "You're right. It feels like the kind of aftermath you'd see unfold after a mortal struggle with a cutting edge robot."

Rock: "You have quite the imagination, don't you? That's impossible. They probably just escaped last night and got beat up by Hajime."

Nico: "But Jinx looks just as bad as Jyugo does. And Hajime's never hit her."

Uno: "What's going on, you two-? What the-!"

Uno knelt down and gently shook us.

Uno: "Jinx, Jyugo, what's wrong? More importantly, how'd you end up like this, anyway? Heeey... come on, you two... wake uuuupp..."

He rolled us over.

Uno: "Ah—!! Th-they're dead..."

Nico: "Uh... Uno, I think they're alive."

Rock: "Yeah, man... Geez, they're just out of it. We should probably get them to the infirmary."

Uno: "Oh, right. You take Jyugo. I got Jinx."

Uno tried to pick me up.

Jinx: "AHH-!"

Nico: "*gasp* She's awake."

Uno: "Jinx... hey, it's Uno. Talk to me. What happened?"

Jinx: "Robot... rabbit... my arm..."

Rock: "Did she just say robot rabbit?"

Nico: "I knew it."

Uno: "Ah! Forget it! Let's just take them to the infirmary."

Rock: "Well, be gentle with her. Now that I look, her arm is beat up pretty bad."

Uno: "I got her."

Rock picked up Jyugo.

Nico: "Wait! We can't leave. Jyugo's unconscious, he can't unlock the door."

Uno: "Damn it, you're right."

Uno went to the door and banged on it.


Rock: "I don't think Hajime would come, man."

Seitarou: "Is everything alright? Why are you yelling this early in the morning?"

They smiled.

Uno: "Seitarou, thank god! I've literally never been so happy to see you. Listen man, something weird happened to Jinx and Jyugo last night and they're hurt pretty bad. We need to get them to the infirmary pronto."

Seitarou: "Oh! Well in that case..."

He opened the door.

Seitarou: "I'll take you."

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