"And you!" Millie chimed. "I didn't know you were training to be a nurse."

"Oh, well neither did I about you. It's not exactly something we covered while in that bathroom."

"Yeah, oh, thank you for that, again."

"It was nothing, don't worry about it."

"No, seriously, thank you."

"Well, anytime, okay?"

"Ladies!" The matron called. "Are you going to stand around chatting like school girls or are you going to clean?"

"Sorry, Matron." Millie and Sylvia mumble and then make their way to fold sheets.

Once out of ear shot, the two girls stood together as they folded the linen. "Shouldn't we be learning something? Instead of just cleaning and tidying." Millie whispered.

"You'd think that, but unless we are on rounds, this is all we've been doing."

"I feel like we should be studying before we even go on rounds."

"I think you're right." Sylvia agreed. "So, what did you get up to after that party?"

"Not much..." Millie failed to hide her smile, thinking about her walk back with Steve and the midnight kiss on the cheek she gave him.

"You're lying," Sylvia whisper-shouted. "Come on, spill it."

Millie quickly looked around to make sure nobody was watching them talk before turning back to Sylvia, passing her the corner of a large bed sheet. "I ended up walking home with a cute boy," Sylvia wiggled her eyebrows. "And that boy happens to be my boyfriend now."

Sylvia gaped her mouth open. "What? Who?"

Millie noted that the two girls were talking as if they were good friends, like they hadn't only met once before. It was nice, and it made Millie feel better about using her name as an excuse for seeing Steve these past two weeks. It was probably because Sylvia was so open and forward, making Millie feel comfortable to talk like this.

"His name's Steve, Steve Rogers."

Millie watched at Sylvia's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, as in, Bucky Barnes' friend?"

Millie nodded. "Yeah, you know Bucky?"

"Everyone knows Bucky Barnes." She shrugged. "And Everyone knows that Steve is his best friend."

"They're both lovely."

"So I've heard, but most of the ladies are after Bucky, not Steve.

"Well they didn't know what they were missing." Millie looked down and tried to hide her blush. "He's pretty special."

"Well hey, I'm happy for you." Sylvia gave a genuine smile. "Especially after that prick from the party did what he did to you."

"Yeah, I was pretty shattered about that. But looking at it now, I guess if he'd never done that, I wouldn't be with Stevie now."

"That's a really good way to look at it, and hey, you and I wouldn't have already met either. I have a feeling that you and I are going to become fast friends, Millie."


The rest of Millie's first day passed in a blur, having both Sylvia and Sheila there kept her great company, but despite having such a good first day, she couldn't help her mind wandering back to Steve.

She was still so worried about him, even though he was feeling better. She would have been thinking of him even if he wasn't just coming off of being sick, and she wondered if he was thinking of her too.

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