chapter three

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trigger warning - eating disorders

the next day I finally woke up in my own bed, it had been a while since I fell asleep in here. it was nice.

I walked down my large stair case and into the kitchen I noticed a particular blonde boy lying in my living room. "jj wake up" I said as I tapped his shoulder, the boys opened suddenly when he heard my voice.

"I'm making breakfast" I said as I walked into the kitchen, I pulled out some bacon and eggs from the fridge and set them on the bench.

"morning sunshine" said a sleepy jj entering the room, I giggled as he sat down on the kitchen bench and slammed his head on the bench.

after I finished making breakfast for the both us I pushed the plate in front of his face and waited for him to smell it. he gasped "I love you so so much" he yelled when he rose his head from the bench.

we sat and talked as we ate our food, he helped me clean up as I washed the dishes. "hey look so i'm meeting topper at the country club" I said as I continued cleaning the dishes, jj sighed "oh okay thats all good, I'll get out of your hair".

I felt bad, I looked over to the boy "I'll text you later and we can hang" he nodded in agreement and left my house.

I had a couple hours before I had to meet topper so I walked up stairs and started running a bath, I tipped In some relaxation oils to relax my muscles.

after all that swimming and the amount of alcohol I had I needed to relax them, I pulled out my book and got lost in it. it wasn't until my alarm went off reminding me my lunch with top was in 30 minutes.

I jumped out from the bath and wrapped myself in the towel as I looked for an outfit, I ended up finding a short black skin tight skirt and a white puff sleeve crop top. I put my hair up into a bun along with setting my glasses on my head.

I slipped on my favourite necklace that I got from my grandma before she died, and threw on my pair of doc martens before leaving my house.

the drive from my house to the country club was only a 5 minute so luckily I didn't have to drive long, I handed my keys to the valet as I walked into the club.

everyone I walked past greeted me since they had known me through my parents and the cameron's. I looked around for top who was sitting at a table by himself outside, "hey top" I said as I walked over to him and sat across from him.

"you look amazing bails" he said as he looked up from his phone, "thank you" I smiled as I look down at the menu.

we sat talking until the waiter came over and asked what drinks we wanted, top ordered his usual beer while I ordered a cosmo, I could drink these any day.

as we sat down drinking and talking about college top seemed to lose focus when he spotted rafe walking down near back entry of the club with a girl, most likely another of his conquests.

"hey rafe come sit with us" top yelled across the deck, as rafe started making his way up the stairs I moved next to topper and punched him in the shoulder "OW".

"are you guys ready to order?" the waiter asked as he walked back over to us, topper of course ordered some type of fish "I'll have the salad please" I said as I passed him back the menus.

rafe looked at me and scoffed "do you really need more food?" he asked with a smirk on his face, the girl beside him laughing also. all I could do was roll my eyes, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"who are you going with to midsummers top?" rafe asked as he threw his arm around the girl next to him, topper looked at me "bailey" I looked at topper and smiled.

"wha-what?" rafe stuttered as he leant forward in his seat, he looked kind of angry, it was hilarious. "yeah well we both don't have dates so" topper said as he placed his hand on top of mine.

rafe looked agitated, I was enjoying it. eventually the waiter came back with our food, I thanked him gave him a tip. "why'd you give him a tip?" rafe scoffed, I rolled my eyes at him "because it's a nice thing to do".

the whole lunch went pretty smoothly, rafe only talked to topper thankfully. "excuse me" I said as I got up from my seat and made my way to the bathroom.

I could feel rafe's eyes watching me as I walked away, it was intriguing as to why he took a sudden interest in me all of a sudden. as soon as I reached the bathroom I couldn't hold it in anymore, I pulled my hair back and stuck my fingers down my throat.

"are you okay?" I heard a voice behind me say, I looked back and noticed it was rafe's date from lunch. I nodded my head and stood up from the seat, I leant against the bathroom sink staring into the mirror.

"so much for being sober" I whispered hoping no one would hear, i struggled with eating disorders ever since my parents first started becoming absent in my life with was about 5 years ago, I was only 13.

I washed my face and tried to completely ignored the fact that I just had another relapse, I had been sober for 6 months, but rafe's comment just fucked with me.

I walked back down to the table and noticed rafe and his girl were gone, I furrowed my eyebrows. "something came up he reckons" topper said referring to rafe, I sat back down slowly.

I hid my face from topper hoping he didn't realise anything was wrong, and he didn't.

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